Saved By The Smartphone: 7 Apps For Common Date Emergencies
No time to do your hair? Not sure which fork to use? Let these helpful apps come to the rescue.

You've managed to work through all those pre-date jitters, or at least to muster up some excitement — the last thing you need is something going astray right before or (even worse) during your encounter.
While we're sure yours will be smooth sailing, we did you the honor of seeking out mobile applications for resolving some of the most common date emergencies, just in case. All you need is a smartphone and a touch (literally) of luck.
1. The Emergency: You're a plus one to a formal event and you're stuck late at the office The App: GLAMSQUAD, Free Have to cancel that blowout appointment uptown? Thanks to the new beauty app GLAMSQUAD (aka the fairy godmother of mobile), you're only a few clicks away from a full team of hairstylists who happen to make house calls. Just fill in your preferred time and location, wet your hair, and prepare to be primped (a 60-minute blowout comes at the set price of $50 plus tax and tip). Tip: This app also comes in hand when you're stuck at the apartment (maybe cooking dinner for two?).
2. The Emergency: The subway line you need to take is down and there's not an empty cab for days The App: Uber, Free Forget a ticket to ride — with Uber, all you need is a tap. Once downloaded and credit card info is stored (so you don't need to worry about fumbling for cash in the future), you can choose an Uber taxi or car to pick you up on the spot (usually within a few minutes), ensuring you never get caught in the cold (or rain) again. Budget-friendly Tip: Opt for the taxi when possible, and be cautious of any price surges on nights when the service is in high demand.
3. The Emergency: You need something (ATM, breath mints, deodorant — you name it) fast The App: AroundMe, Free Thanks to this convenient app, you don't have to waste time looking up specific stores and comparing locations to see which is closest (though you certainly can if you'd like). All you have to do is choose a theme (such as banks or restaurants) to yield a list of options, in order of closeness. Tip: If you're dealing with an overly adventurous date, this can also be a great resource in the case of any medical emergencies.
4. The Emergency: You thought you were ahead of the game with those long phone calls, but you've run out of things to say The App: Conversation Starter, Free Perhaps nothing kills a date like long, awkward silences. If you find yourself at a loss for words, and have already exhausted the usual go-tos (siblings, childhood town, etc.), excuse yourself to go to the restroom where you can download this lifeline of an app, which features Chatoms (Chat Atoms), or questions, to spark conversation. Tip: If you don't have time to find the perfect questions (after all, you don't want your date to think you've ditched them), slightly alter a few to better fit your circumstances so they don't seem too far out in left field.
5. The Emergency: You just finished dinner (spinach, anyone?) and don't have access to a mirror The App: Mirror, Free If you need to do the ole teeth check, or just want to make sure your hair and makeup are still in place, look to this mirror app. It will provide a reflection to make sure you're prepared for all those picture-perfect moments.
6. The Emergency: You find yourself at a fancy restaurant, and the only knowledge you've retained about silverware is from "Pretty Woman" The App: Fine Dining Etiquette: Mind Your Manners, $0.99 Whether your significant other is pulling out all the stops for a special occasion, or you're meeting someone new and that "first impression rose" is on the line (this can also be helpful for those impromptu business dinners), trust us when we say this app is your new best friend. For less than a dollar, it will give you an education in dining etiquette (covering everything from seating to table settings), saving you from embarrassment and helping you seal the deal.
7. The Emergency: After several attempts to save your date, you're in serious need of an escape plan The App: eHarmony's Bad Date Rescue, Free You tried to stay positive (maybe it was the waitress' name tag he was ogling), but your patience has run out. If you weren't able to secure a rescue ahead of time, or if the red flags popped up later in the date, escape for a few moments to set up a faux call with this app. Not only can you choose the time received (we suggest sooner rather than later), but you can select the relationship of the caller and nature of the emergency (we particularly like the "neighbor" option for those with an apartment — less obvious and very urgent).
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