Hurts So Good: Cryptic '50 Shades Of Grey' Photo Has Fans Curious

Did E.L. James just give us all a peek at Christian's red playground?

50 Shades Of Grey Rumored Red Room

Fifty Shades of Grey is in full filming swing, and E.L. James—author of the original erotic-fanfiction-turned-mainstream-bestseller—recently tweeted a behind-the-scenes photo of ... something.

Two giant camera monitors are cleverly obscuring—uh, some ceiling lights? And a ladder? And is that a black mattress? On the wall there's also a poster of something with a vaguely phallic shape, but don't strain your eyes—that might just be a guitar.


Not dropping any hints, James captioned the image, "One shades of gray..."

Twitter fans predict we're witnessing the making of Christian's "red room of pain," which is protagonist Anastasia Steele's term for "Christian Grey's dungeon where all the whippings, floggings, spankings, canings, paddling, and other forays into BDSM happen with various results."

Dakota Johnson, 24, and Jamie Dornan, 31, who play the erotic lovebirds, have been spotted around Vancouver in character, acting out more PG scenes like drinking tea and giving pecks on the cheek. It's anyone's guess whether the film—which releases on Valentine's Day 2015—will be R-rated, or chained (get it?) with a NC-17 restriction, but here's hoping that E.L. James tweets more photos fast!


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