Why Kim Kardashian Is Nude & Pointless In Kanye West's 'Bound 2'

Kim Kardashian's topless scene is one of the lamest stunts since her sex tape.

Celebrity Sex: Kim Kardashian Nude & Pointless In Kanye's Video

Kim Kardashian is mostly nude in Kanye West's "Bound 2" music video, and it's unclear why that's such a big deal—or rather, why they thought it would be a big deal.

Kim Kardashian topless isn't new. We've seen it all before: In magazine, in Playboy and, uh, in the very sex tape that made her famous. (Remember that? Ray J does!)

Aside from the banality of the reality starlet's nudity, let's get down to the real problems with this video.


First off, K.K.'s hair. Can she please lose the blond dye job? It washes her out and makes her look like a Canal Street knockoff of Jennifer Lopez.

Then there are the horses. Where did they escape from? Someone's ranch is missing an array of steeds, and those are expensive. And what are they supposed to represent, exactly? The many shades of virility that have passed through K.K.'s pastures?

More important: Where are the helmets? Do they have any idea how dangerous this is? How can you gyrate on a bike like that and not want some protection? And, you know, some other protection? And forget about the bugs. There's a reason there are visors on those things. There's a reason people ride clothed. If you thought crabs were annoying, wait til gnats and yeast get mixed in. Yikes!


Seriously, that can't be comfortable at all. Where are the jackets? There's a reason bikers don leather even in the summer: It's not only a protective garment in case of spills, but it also gets very cold with all that wind. Bet her headlights were on in broad daylight!

Kardashian's sister, Khloe, said North West's mama's nudity was a "middle finger to the world." No, Khloe. Kim Kardashian's relevance is a middle finger to the world. Her nudity is just a desperate plea for attention. And the fact that she did it in the desert just shows how thirsty she really is.

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