What Guys Think Of Women Who Are Completely Waxed Down There
Waxing and shaving all the hair down there is more polarizing than you'd think.

Special thanks to Carrie Bradshaw and the women of Sex and the City for bringing the Brazilian wax to the forefront of our imaginations — and keeping it there.
Ever since the show's debut and the multi-million dollar success of the feature films, more and more women have dared to bare it all, or are, at the very least, have thought about shaving or trimming their pubic hair in order to keep their feminine landscape looking right and tight.
Opting for going sans hair down there seems to have thoroughly split opinions straight down the middle.
While many women find the hairless vulva hack refreshing, freeing, and easier to maintain — yes, all things real women have said — how do guys feel about their female partners getting a Brazilian wax or sporting a shaved vagina?
Are they excited, confused ... or seriously hoping they'll be invited back for seconds?
We asked men to tell us what they think of a woman shaving her publc hair, and they fell into two camps: for and against.
Some guys love the idea of a shaved vulva because ...
1. All new territory to explore
"I admit that at first I wasn't into it but then I started dating a woman who got Brazilians every four weeks. We had sex regularly — and I really liked the cleanliness factor. I could go down on her as often as I wanted and was never met with excuses. I also felt like, as a woman, she felt sexier around me. She was kinkier, too. It was like the Brazilian brought on all new territory for us to explore." — Tom, 29
"I'm a fan of going hairless — and if that's the most hairless you can get, then I definitely support a woman who wants a clean cut." — James, 26
2. No stray hairs = better sex
"I think a Brazilian should be seasonal — necessary in the summer and maybe not as necessary in the other seasons, but still suggested. I think that the cleaner a woman is, the better the sex is. I'm not worrying about getting stray hairs in my mouth — which can be a total turn-off — or when the last time she showered was." — Cole, 27
3. Major turn on
"When I'm going down there, I don't want no hair. It's a huge turn-on when I'm out with a woman and find out later that she’s totally bare down there. I know tons of dudes probably say that it's sexy — but it really is. It shows me that she's into my pleasure as much as she is her own." — Ryan, 27
4. It's an added treat
"I'm easy to please, I’m not looking for anything too crazy but if it’s up to me, a Brazilian is the best you can get from a woman. And when you're in a relationship it's not exactly a necessity although it's definitely an added treat when you've been with someone and they're willing to spice it up." — Phil, 29
But hairless isn't everyone's cup of tea.
These guys, for example, are not as turned on by the thought ...
5. I won't stop ... but no seconds
"I'm a man. I don't get off on nailing little girls. When I see it, I won't stop the action, but I won't be back for seconds. There are plenty of guys into it, I'm just not one of them." — Angelo, 33
6. Reminds me of prepubescent days ... not okay!
"In the South, you'd never see a woman with a shaved vagina — and if you did, it'd be rare. Maybe it's because women are more conservative here than in places like New York and California and are more reserved when it comes to their sexuality? Or maybe it's just not popular here. Personally, I'm not into it. Thinking about it reminds me of the days before puberty — and when I think about that, I'm not okay with it. Why would I be sleeping with a girl whose vagina looks like it did when we were 12?" — Joel, 25
7. Hair is symbolic of womanhood
"I won't say no to a woman with a completely bare vagina, but I would never suggest it to a girl I was with. I feel like a pedophile even thinking about it. Women have hair, it's a sign of their femininity. Don't get me wrong — I'm not saying it should be a jungle down there, but going completely hair-free? No thanks; I'm good." — Cole, 34
8. Sexiness and confidence are not bald
"I'm definitely not a supporter. I like a woman who is well maintained and cares enough about her body to keep things looking cleanly, but I also love to see a little hair. It's really hot, for me, knowing that tucked in her underwear is something so feminine and so sexy. Why would you want her to be bald? Babies are bald. Girls are bald. A woman, down there, isn’t bald. Sexiness and confidence is not bald. Trust me on that." — Hank, 28
Kylie M. is a freelance writer and frequent contributor to YourTango.