Exclusive! Dr. Oz & Liv Tyler On Relationships & Meditation

Dr. Oz, wife Lisa and actress Liv Tyler share how meditation help their personal relationships.

Dr. Oz, Lisa Oz & Liv Tyler

On Thursday, December 13 the David Lynch Foundation hosted "A Historic Night of Jazz," raising money for free meditation instruction to inner city kids, veterans and low-income communities and women and girls who have been victims of violence and abuse. YourTango got a chance to talk exclusively to guests Liv Tyler, Dr. Mehmet Oz and his wife Lisa Oz, best-selling author of YOU: The Owner’s Manual about how Transcendental Meditation (TM) has affected their personal relationships.


"It's become an important part of my life," Dr. Oz told YourTango. "We had the whole family take lessons together a few lessons together; it's benefited all of us."

In addition to meditating as a family, he also shares it with his team of employees on his television show. Everyone on set has TM in the studio at 5 o'clock, and while he can't always join them, he's sure to meditate every day.  "Although it's a great thing to have as an individual, if you can give that to your team, you can make them function at a high level."

When it comes to communicating as a couple, Dr. Oz says "without question," it's a tremendous help, and wife Lisa Oz agrees. "I think anytime you can step back and reflect and be more conscious and be more present, your relationships will benefit, because you're not being reactive," Lisa said. "Part of what TM does is take you to a place where you can be more conscious."


"When you have the stresses in life—which we all experience—you can somehow allow your natural native mechanisms to deal with those stresses," the host of the hit show said. "You can begin to listen, you can begin to hear better; that's the foundation of getting along with people, anyway. It's particularly effective in folks who have a lot of anger in their lives, it's one of those things that we should be giving to every single person out there."

Also at the event, actress Liv Tyler was showing her support and shared with YourTango how she feels meditation has been an positive influence on her personal life. "Meditation and being close to yourself helps everything in your life," Tyler said. "It helps myself make better decisions and be a better mother, and just deal with the daily stress of the modern world that we live in. It helps with everything."

Click here to learn more and get involved in the David Lynch Foundation.

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