Begging For Structure
Where will you be in January 2012 if you keep doing the same thing over and over?

As the days become shorter, school back in session and Halloween around the corner, the settling in begins to take place in our bones. We begin to slow down our lives and beg for a bit more structure and calm. There's simply something so special about the scent of fall candles, the beautiful colors, and (Oh, let’s don’t forget!) the stunning fall wardrobe. With all these delicious treats waiting around the corner, I’m keenly aware that fall has us begging for structure.
With our year having fewer than four months remaining, one can't help but be reminded of where we've been in 2011 and then feel a sense of awe that another year is nearly under our belt.
As fall approaches and summer leaves, we sense a need for safety and security. This structure we bring back into our lives is what keeps us from falling through the cracks when we trip and is what will propel us into realizing our dreams and arriving in life by design.
As we move into this new season, what a wonderful opportunity to ask yourself:
• What has being without structure cost me?
• Of what false belief am I willing to let go in order to bring in structure to realize my dreams?
• What dream is waiting to come alive within me?
• Where will I be in January 2012 if I keep doing the same thing over and over?
Structure provides us with safety and security. These three S’s allow us to easily and gracefully own our dreams and wake up each morning feeling absolutely Head Over Heels in love with our lives.
Each of us has the potential to achieve the highest level of success in all aspects of our lives: Relationships, Career, Personal Growth, Finances, Health & Fitness and Spiritual Self. What I know for sure is this: we won't arrive there by accident; we will need to design our path.
I encourage you to take a deep breath, relax into your body, allow your shoulders to simply drop down, and ask yourself one question: what amazing dreams lie ahead, just waiting for me to put the structure in place?
As fall begins to unfold in your lap and the richness of the season envelops you, begin to allow your mind, body and soul to see new ways of living YOUR life. Perhaps you'll find that your dreams are waiting to be launched.
Debbie Ingle
Expert Life Designer
Life, Love & Luxury in Alignment