Janet Hsieh: Taiwan's Fakest Celebrity And What's Wrong With Her
Why would anyone dislike or be annoyed by Janet Hsieh of Fun Taiwan, whom airhead fans rave about?

Some of you might be wondering, "Why did you start an anti Janet Hsieh blog? What do you have against her? What did she ever do to you? Don't all her raving fans think she's wonderful?"
Well nothing. But it's what she represents that I have a problem with. I mean, look at her - She's politically correct, full of fake enthusiasm, does publicity stunts, yet gets treated like a Goddess and there's not a single negative word about her on the internet. (So imagine the shock she must have felt when she suddenly saw two blogs appear that were put up to bash her. hehehe) So why not balance the scales a little and get some publicity from it at the same time, thus hitting two birds with one stone? As the first critic to break her "perfect feedback record", I'm bound to receive some attention from her millions of fans, and possibly her silent critics as well.
Let me put it this way. Janet Hsieh represents a gross distortion of reality - that everything is rosy, wonderful, and nothing negative exists. People who buy into that view of reality become "victim-blamers", and develop a "victim-blaming mentality".
You see, when one sees the world as a happy-go-lucky place where only bad people suffer due to bad choices, and where no one is a victim, then anytime reality catches up and victimizes innocent people (which it does), then one will BLAME that victim, even if he/she was NOT at fault. Thus an unjust victim-blaming mentality is developed in such people. This is a key fault that such happy-go-lucky people never realize. They want badly to believe in a rosy just and fair world where bad things only happen to bad people. But in reality, most people who suffer unjustly are innocent (which is one reason why many turn Atheist), yet these deluded New Agey types deny it and falsely accuse the victims instead.
Here is a revealing article about how many New Agers and believers in the "Law of Attraction", who believe that "thoughts create reality" and that nothing bad can happen unless you think it can, possess such a victim-blaming mentality as I describe above.
You see, wise and truthful people know that true glory comes from endurance of suffering. All religions and spiritual belief systems teach that glory comes through suffering and endurance. Even the Bible says:
"For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;" (Philippians 1:29)
That's how one transcends the prison of life and moves closer to enlightenment and inner peace.
The happy-go-lucky world that Janet Hsieh represents is an illusion and facade for those who wish to deny reality. In the end, it can only bring suffering when reality catches up. Her attitude represents a denial of reality that can easily turns into a victim-blaming mindset as well.
Check out this interesting article about how a study found that happy go lucky people tend to die younger because they are more reckless and take more risks with their health and safety than others do. It is an example of the dangers of having such an unrealistic rosy attitude like Janet has, which some people idolize for some bizarre reason.
Am I jealous of Janet Hsieh? Sure, who wouldn't be? She gets everything handed on a silver platter, even though her friendships are superficial and shallow. She gets pampered better than Julia Roberts did in "Pretty Woman".
But that doesn't mean that my critique is dishonest. Far from it. I am a truth seeker, not a conformist like Janet and 99.99 percent of Asians are. So my words and actions are far more genuine and authentic. A truth seeker seeks his/her own truth, whereas a conformist sees truth as whatever authority says and whatever the majority agree upon. In that sense, I have far more credibility than Janet does.
Nor does it mean that Janet Hsieh should be exempt from criticism. Why should she be? Every other celebrity receives criticism, so why shouldn't she? There are two sides to every story after all.
Besides, there is nothing special about her. She hasn't done anything worthy of fame. There's nothing unique about her either. She is simply media hyped and pampered, overinflated and overrated. All she did was "ride with the waves" and received everything on a silver platter after that. So why not inject some reality into her reputation and put up a blog to counterbalance the warped scales a little? What's wrong with that? Every celebrity has their critics. Why shouldn't she? Why leave such a fake person on such a high pedestal?
Hope you understand my point.
To see my anti Janet Hsieh blogs, visit the links below: