Blonde Or Brunette? 9 Things Men REALLY Think About Your Hair
Behold, the male take on your 'do.

It seems that men no longer prefer blondes, according to a study conducted by Garnier. So what do they prefer? Here, the 9 surprising things men think about your hair:
1. Guys want to settle down with a brunette.
71 percent told Garnier that they would pick a dark-haired woman as an ideal partner (perhaps because more than a quarter of the queried brunettes have rated themselves as above average in bed, considerably more than blondes and redheads?)
2. Men like shiny things.
And that includes your hair, apparently: according to the UK's Telegraph, 72 percent of men voted that shiny hair is more attractive than hair without gloss.
3. They like when you keep it au naturel.
More than a third of men said they hate it when women have perfectly groomed hair, preferring soft, touchable hair instead.
4. As long as it's naturally thick, long, and wavy.
43 percent of men prefer this style, with Jennifer Aniston's long and straight locks coming in second.
5. But your long hair can be too long! Well, well. Someone's finicky. When Cosmopolitan polled 100 guys, 55 percent of men found Lauren Conrad’s mid-length locks, hitting just below the shoulders, sexier than her super-long style.
6. Braids and asymmetrical styles are back. 83 percent of guys told Cosmo that the "boho chic" braid style is cute, and 76 percent said they love asymmetrical styles (thanks, Rihanna!).
7. Men like change.
Almost a third of men told Cosmo that they mind if a girl styles her hair the same way every day.
8. But they don't always notice change.
Almost a fifth of men polled by the UK's Daily Mail say they rarely notice when a woman changes her hair.
9. They like it up and down.
Long, short, braided, blonde or brunette, it's all in how you work it, according to Cosmo. 43 percent of guys said they love watching a girl put up her hair, while 37 percent said they like watching a girl let down her hair. 20 percent said both are "equally hot." It's the simple things.
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Photo: WeHeartIt