Is Sam Mendes Rebounding With Rachel Weisz?

Kate Winslet fuming over Sam Mendes's friendship with his ex-girlfriend Rachel Weisz.


This week in Divorce News That Does Not Involve Nazis (oh wait! It does!), Radar Online is reporting that Kate Winslet is furious that her soon-to-be ex-husband, Sam Mendes, has been in contact with the lady he dated before marrying Kate in 2003, actress Rachel Weisz, but Kate is putting on a happy face for her kids. The film industry has been buzzing with rumors since January that Sam might direct the next film in the James Bond series, and now gossip says he wants Rachel in the film. All of which has Kate's nose out of joint. It's so refreshing when the gossip is about people with jobs and not, like, Heidi Montag, right?


"As soon as Kate and Sam split, he was on the phone asking Rachel if she was interested in doing the movie," a source reportedly told Britain's Mail on Sunday paper. "Rachel has always been persona non grata in the Winslet-Mendes household, and Kate went ballistic when she heard that Sam wanted to hire her." Did Sam Mendes Cheat On Kate Winslet?

Kate and Sam were photographed this morning taking their kids, Mia and Joe, to school in New York. Their townhouse is just blocks from where Rachel lives with her partner of nine years, director Darren Aronofsky, and their almost four-year-old son, Henry. You know what this means, of course? Highbrow English art film wife swapping! Alternative Relationships 101


Except probably not. But wouldn't it be strange if Sam did get the job of directing James Bond 23, and he cast Rachel in it and then sat around brainstorming with Darren? It'd be the first film in the franchise in which Bond became a desperate, gangrenous heroin addict and then got in a spaceship shaped like a tree and went to the 25th century. Or in which Bond and archvillainess Ladyparts Bonanza sat in a midcentury modern living room sipping cocktails and viciously sniping at each other about their broken dreams. And then Mickey Rourke shows up and starts monologuing and creepy Jude Law pops out of the woodwork and shoots someone. Actually, we would watch that.

Via Radar Online. Photo via Bauer-Griffin.
