"Exercise" Your Love Life

"Exercise" Your Love Life

I go to yoga class twice a week. It is my salvation, my peace, my relaxation and rejuvenation.

I can never understand why there aren’t more men.

Because men are constantly asking me where to meet women— and all I can think of every time I go to yoga is how gender skewed the classes are, and how much men are missing out.

So let me tell you why the girl you are looking for is in fact, out there…somewhere between a sun salutation and warrior.


First of all, most of the girls in the yoga classes I’ve been to, and I have been all over NYC to a multitude of different studios and gyms, are not just pretty, but beautiful, slender, and graceful.

Also, yoga is about self-awareness- bringing people into the practice who desire to get in touch with themselves or are in touch with themselves already. And people in touch with themselves are more adroit at getting in touch with others and others feelings.  The more in touch you are with yourself and with others, the better you are in any relationship, whether it be a romantic one or not.

Yoga is also about gratitude and openness, being derived from the Buddhist Faith, a faith that teaches peace, purity, and selflessness. At the beginning of each class, you are supposed to dedicate the class to something or someone. And at the end of each class, the students join together and say “Namaste,” or “The God/Goddess Spirit within me recognizes and honors the God/Goddess Spirit within you.”


What does that say about the nature of people who do yoga? They tend to be people who are open to the world and to others, and are interested in living in a state of contentedness and peace.

This means the women that you meet in yoga typically aren’t high-strung, jaded New Yorkers; they are women who embrace the spiritual roots of yoga- peace and gratitude- and they are women who have the patience and openness to breathe deeply and get through a yoga class, as difficult, deep, and often slow the class may be.

Also, yoga stretches out your entire body, limbering up areas that usually aren’t addressed in a normal stretching regimen, such as the hips and the chest. Yoga also works your core. The looser your hips, the tighter your core, and the more limber you are overall, the better you are in bed. And hello, can you say “new poses?” Let your imagination run wild…

Furthermore, yoga is so good for you that it’s kind of unbelievable we didn’t start doing it sooner. The below article cites “77 surprising health benefits of yoga,” from an increased metabolism to  lower blood pressure to overall cardiovascular and bodily health. It is also a terrific compliment to weight-lifting, helping muscles to repair and recover.



So don’t ask me where to meet women.  Just get your butt to yoga.  Your competition will be nil, you will show women how spiritual and in touch with yourself you are (hot), and even if you don’t get a date out of it (which I seriously doubt, if you play your cards right) you still get to stare at a bunch of cute girls in tight clothes stretching for an hour.

Oh, and you’ll feel pretty darn awesome also.

Not bad, huh?

Still intimidated? Worried you are going to make a fool of yourself?

Take a class specifically for beginners- the teacher will help you into the poses and adjust you. Or just try it at the gym- these classes are usually pretty basic.


There will be some poses that are more stretching oriented that might be difficult for you, but you actually will find that you are better than women at some of the other poses which require arm, back, and leg strength.


Meezoog's Dating Diva - Samantha Karlin

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