Blogger Crush: Single Gal In The City
She may not wear Manolo's, but this blogger will do until SATC 2.

Blog: Single Gal in the City
Blogger: Melissa, 34
Love Stage: Single & Looking
Hometown: NYC
Occupation: Public Relations Account Supervisor
After twenty-seven years full of trust, honesty, and passion, Melissa knew it was time to walk away from her longest standing relationship. So early in July, this spawn of the Carrie Bradshaw phenomenon put down her pen and severed ties with her diary-writing habit. And who can blame her? A long-term relationship with a 93-volume collection of notebooks would surely give me writers' cramp. Perhaps Melissa felt tied down. Needed space. Was just not that into it?
Nevermind that, we're not asking questions. In fact, we're pouncing on her rebound. From the woman who's dated five Davids, three Jasons, two Eddies, two Alans and two Marks, (but who’s counting?) comes Single Gal in the City, a blog positioned to hold us over until SATC part two. Melissa has already been named one of NYC's 50 most eligible Latinos by the New York Post, and she's been set up by the same paper's weekly "Meet Market" column (you can read all about that date and others on her blog).
A PR princess, (did someone say Samantha Jones?) Melissa bounces between trendy locales as she blogs about bad dates, good food and her most successful love affair -- with New York City. Like the rest of us, she's just trying to navigate the roads of romance using the wisdom of her friends and the hindsight of her own past relationships, attempting to make sense of the dating world (aka Manhattan, with brief encounters in Long Island and Brooklyn). Her witty entries also include sporadic statistics such as the number of men who she's seen disrobe, uninvited, on a first date (two). Hopefully -- for our sake -- there will be more to come.
Check out this excerpt from Single Gal in the City:
When Mark and I parted at the subway, he said, "We’ll talk soon." Translation: not going to happen.
Full from my decadent three-course meal, I exited the 1/9 at Columbus Circle and walked a couple of blocks to try and burn off both the calories and my disappointment. What is it about a lackluster date that makes romantic chemistry seem impossibly out of reach?
To cheer myself up, I signed in to Facebook, curious about what old flame updates awaited me. I was already zero for two, having learned earlier in the day that a high school sweetheart is gay and a college ex is married. With bated breath and more than a little trepidation, I logged in and wondered what response I would get from the adorable Aussie who enchanted me six years ago when I was Down Under. Turns out he has just moved to Canada, news which made me smile. Our cyberspace exchange reminded me that you never know what's right around the corner and left me feeling hopeful.
After all, in an era that offers so many virtual and real world opportunities to connect and reconnect, how can I be anything else?