10 Things Prayer, Energy Work & Spell-Casting All Have In Common

Three vastly different practices that come together to improve life via simple daily practice.

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If someone we love is sick, or we are suffering seemingly inescapable stress and struggle, it helps to have a clear mind. However, gaining a clear mind in the center of pain and struggle can be a challenge.

Many people might not consider intertwining a self-care practice with their spiritually. Spirtiual practices are generally cathartic in nature and can bring greater peace of mind. That extra peace of mind can allow you to be more present for yourself, and those you love.


When self-care is combined with a spiritual practice, it often brings added benefits to our understanding and ability to cope with life's struggles. Through the use of energy work, prayer, or casting spells, your daily life can be improved, as well as the lives of those you love.

Even better, all three of these spiritual practices share some common elements.

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Three powerful healing practices, and how they work 

1. What is prayer?

A prayer is thought to be a message of gratitude or request for help. It is a direct communication between a Higher Power and those praying. Some believe there are angels who help safely deliver the prayers to God or gods and goddesses.

My practice includes a prayer of gratitude daily, but also affirmative prayers. I also send prayers of peace and compassion daily to my family, clients, and the world at large.

Prayer can be a useful way to free the mind from turmoil and suffering. Prayer is a mindfulness exercise.

2. What is energy work?

I view energy work as allowing the Universe or a Higher Power to help shift the energy we carry in our thoughts, relationships, and bodies. This energy can be acute from a recent traumatic experience. This energy block might be chronic, deeply rooted in your mind and can be passed on through generations.


One of my favorite ways of working with energy is so simple, I practice it daily. I visualize my body releasing trauma and connecting to the highest vibrations. I also see myself easily receiving the nutrients in my food and the abundance of the Universe. This is always in unison with gratitude for all that I receive.

Energy work is a complex visualization process closely related to meditation.

3. What is spell casting?

I practice fun spells intended to share light with the world. My favorite place is outside at night in my rock garden. I have a designated space for moon circles. My favorite crystals are present as I release fears into a fire. During the full moon I seek answers, in the new moon, I cast my dreams out to the universe. Here is an example of one of my spells.

Spell Written Outside, Under the Full Moon


I thank Mother Earth for holding me steady and I am guided by the night stars and the wisdom of my soul.

The mountains call my name as the moon’s light illuminates my purpose.

My energy shifts and begins to flow like the rivers.

My emotions soften as great quakes of fear and trauma are released from my body and mind.

I am healed in all ways.

I feel, see, and hear all that is needed to live a loving and expansive life.

I share this peace and compassion in all times, all directions, all ways.

Spell casting is a cathartic act that can help release stress and free the mind from obsessive or negative thought patterns.

10 things energy work, prayer, and casting spells have in common

1. They are ancient.

Energy healing, prayer and spell work have all been used since ancient times.


2. They bring comfort.

All three can bring comfort, and have faith in our ability to connect with a higher power.

3. They are mysterious

They all work mysteriously in other realms. We can experience the results, but how it comes to be, remains a mystery.

4. They can use ritual items.

All three can be practiced with ritualistic items such as sage, rosary beads, malas, or even crystals.

5. They are ceremonious

They are often held in ceremonies such as, full moon rituals, baptisms, funerals, and reiki shares.

6. Their power is in the intention.

All three require deliberate, intentional practice.

7. They have healing properties.

They all can be used for healing self, another, or a collective healing.


8. Numbers don't matter.

They can all be practiced by one person or a collective with an infinite number of people.

9. Volume does not matter.

All three can be practiced in silence or loudly shared with the world.

10. Time is irrelevant.

All three can be practiced anywhere at any time.

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An example of healing using these spiritual practices

A friend of mine has a child who was suffering from nightmares, as well as some physical pain. This was a result of a traumatic accident in his life. As a parent, it was tremendously difficult watching her son suffer.

Katie has a very healthy spiritual practice and prayed for him daily. In fact, many distant family members were praying for her son to have a speedy recovery.


While the prayer offered a tool for family members to feel more at ease with the situation, my friend wanted to do more. She learned of an energy healer who would work remotely. Much like the prayers that were already being used, the remote healing didn’t disrupt her son’s life.

The energy healer was able to know how the energetic trauma was blocking her son’s vital energy flow. The first session appeared to result in relieving the nightmares. The following two sessions seemed to bring more ease into her son’s body.

In addition to prayers and energy work, my friend created a spell for her son’s healing. This spell was written during a new moon. She lit sage and wrote out all the fears she was holding in her heart that were related to her son’s recovery. Those fears were burned in a fire. She then felt free of the emotional burden enough to craft the following spell.


"In the stillness of tonight, I touch the powerful Earth and remember the warmth of the sun. I breathe in deeply and connect with the magic of the moon as health is restored and trauma is released for all those that I love. Together we celebrate love and wellness through this life and eternity."

Katie’s son is thriving today. She believes that prayers, energy healing, and her spell contributed in healing him. She may never know what ultimately pulled him out of the traumas’ painful energy, but the spiritual practice definitely eased her suffering so she could show up in a better mindset for her son.

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Weaving it all together

I love weaving together the practice of spells, prayers, and energy healing into my daily life. They all meld together and create a beautiful peaceful canopy to live within. Each practice brings joy.


What ultimately makes prayer, energy work or spell casting successful is the healing and loving intention of the person behind it. These practices allow us to play with different ways you can connect with our world and ourselves. Think of it as a spiritual playtime when you can celebrate joy and release stress and negativity.

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Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.
