2 Zodiac Signs Are Emotionally Intelligent During Hard Times On April 5, 2024

There's always a way out of the dark.

2 Zodiac Signs Are Emotionally Intelligent During Hard Times On April 5, 2024 Rawpixel.com via Shutterstock / GeoImages via Canva

Three zodiac signs will need to exercise their emotional intelligence on April 5, 2024. While this day may not bring fire and brimstone, we might see a few moments of conflict, as this day is bound to make a few people here realize that they are feeling sensitive and need to pay attention to the energy on Friday.

We are looking at how the Pisces Moon during Venus in Aries can unsettle just about anyone. For at least two zodiac signs, such a transit results in awareness. We could take things the wrong way, unintentionally, which would allow us to learn.


Both of these transits have their great qualities, of course, but when they are working together as they are on April 5, we may find that the data report need to be revised as fast as possible.

We may think we've heard some information we will not want to hear, and need to clarify things. For those of us who won't be able to shut off our emotions, we will need greater self-care. That's the Pisces effect, and with so much Aries in our Venus, we know that love will make its way into the lineup of topics when we put our needs first.


This might be the day when we think it's all hopeless for us when it comes to love and romance, or we might want to sulk in a corner until someone notices us and pays us some positive attention.

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We want to be 'saved' from ourselves on this day, as we know we're in a funk. Yet, we can get out of it, and we should try. The kicker here is that we don't really have to try too hard. There's always a way out of the dark, and we will concentrate on how to do that, as well, during this reading.

The three zodiac signs who are emotionally intelligent during tough times on April 5, 2024:

1.  Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)


The thing about being brave and becoming the center of everyone's attention is that when you falter, you want to be nowhere near anyone, as you don't want to feel embarrassed. While this could become a rough day for you, Leo, as the Pisces Moon during Venus in Aries really brings up that side of you that doesn't want to be looked at, you are so much smarter than that. You are ready for your close-up, in other words. So much of that is due to the idea that you know how to use your mind to overcome challenges and dominate them.

What you will avoid doing is snapping at people who ask how you're doing. If you want to be alone, then you will simply state it. If you feel as though you need to react more 'impressively,' then you'll avoid saying something you regret saying later on. This is a 'vibe' thing, and days like this happen to everyone now and then. This day is just 'your' day for hyper-sensitive over-reactions, and you're aware of it.

Know that this day's transit, the Pisces Moon during Venus in Aries shall leave, so no worries about that. Right now, to make your day lighter, you can trust in yourself and know that there is no need to drop down to the level of rudeness. If you have an issue or you just can get past something, you may even keep it to yourself, as this too shall pass. Guaranteed.

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2. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

During the Pisces Moon during Venus in Aries, you are going to avoid doing something that you know you should not do and you'll convince yourself to do what is right. You'll show others that you are OK with how it's all going, even when it's far from OK. You know exactly what's holding things up, and because you KNOW the last thing you want to do is hurt yourself or anyone else.

You won't be defensive or on edge during the Pisces Moon during Venus in Aries. You will come to understand that what makes a problem a problem is continuously putting off the work that should be doing. So you won't procrastinate. 

Do the work, Aquarius. If you really want your life to become better, you know you have to take responsibility for how your life is going and that there's no such thing as being a victim here. It may be hard at first, but trust in this: once you show yourself that you have the stamina to endure, that's all you'll want. You are unaccustomed to taking responsibility. Those days are about to end, Aquarius. It's time to start living and loving the life you create for yourself.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.