3 Zodiac Signs Can Heal From Heartache On March 19, 2024

It's time to heal, transform and move on.

the 3 zodiac signs who can heal from a broke heart on march 18, 2024 WinWin.artlab, pixelshot, sierra.pearls | Canva Pro

This is the season where all hearts heal. We come to trust that we not only deserve a good life but that this is our birthright and that it's up to us to accept the concept that we, too, can be happy and live lives free from heartache.

It's no rare thing to experience a broken heart. In fact, this is more than likely something that happens to every human being at one point or another. It's just part of being alive, and it adds to our experience.


However, staying with this heartbreak never really does a person well. On March 19, 2024, we will recognize the opportunity to release this sadness, as we may find that it has an expiration date, thankfully.

We've got an exciting lineup of celestial bodies. This particular transit, Sun trine Moon trine Neptune, is here to show three zodiac signs that it's time to heal, transform, and move on.


This is a life-affirming day that will leave us feeling hopeful. We might realize that we have a lot of work to do to keep this healing going strong. 

We also get the idea that once we start, the momentum will pick up gradually. Before we know it, we won't be chained to the past, and we will be free from whatever heartache once defined our lives. No more!

These 3 zodiac signs can heal from heartache on March 19, 2024:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

If there's one thing you know about yourself, Aries, it's that no matter what you go through, you manage to pick yourself up and start again. This has happened a thousand times in your life, and you've come to rely on that inner strength to get through any dark times. You are now about to enter a very healing time in your life, and this is a season you can place your trust in.


Whatever heartache you've been going through, you can know for sure that it is a finite experience. It's not going to last.

It can't last, as it doesn't have the firepower to outlast you. You are way too strong to settle for heartache 'as a lifestyle,' and because you know this about yourself, you will rise and be free of it. Not only is it Aries season, but with the help of Sun trine Moon trine Neptune, you will see your way out of the pain very, very easily.

You might experience the sensation of the lows not being as low as they once were simply because you've become adjusted to handling yourself during heartbreaking times. After a while, days like this one come around to show you that they aren't as serious as you might have thought. You can release your pain on this healing day. Let it all go, Aries. It's OK.

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2. Taurus 

(April 20 - May 20)

Heartache owned you for so long that you almost felt like you didn't exist without it to define you. You identified with your pain, and you let it become your personality. People in your life started to feel bad for you as you seemed so locked into that attitude that heartbreak won, and you lost. And yet, here you are on this day, March 19, and you feel optimistic and alive again. What happened?

Well, the amalgamated transit of Sun trine, Moon trine Neptune shook your world up and showed you that the past and its heartache really have no place in your life as of this day. You see it, and yes, in order to gain this kind of crystal vision, you had to live through it. Alas, living through it has brought you here, and here is where the healing starts.

March 19 gives you permission to release the past and all the pain and heartache that comes with it because you realize that you did your time already.


It's now time to let yourself leave that self-imposed prison. You owe the universe nothing. You are here to live your life in peace and love, and you can finally embrace that idea. This day opens the door for you. In order to cross that threshold, you must relinquish your ties to that past heartache. You can do it, Taurus, and you will do it.

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3. Gemini 

(May 21 - June 20)

Well, there's something about Tuesday that makes you feel as though an enormous weight has been taken off your chest, as though you can't help but feel free from heartache. The universe has sent the greatest healing gift in the form of the Sun trine Moon trine Neptune transit. These three planets helps you move from a state of constant grief into one of pure liberation. Amazing!


This transit is all about insight. On this day, you get to 'see' that you have only so much time here on Earth and that you had better get your life together before you start to regret how much time you've wasted nursing that broken heart.

Yes, you've done your time. Now it's time to get up, get out, and start again. If you think you don't have it in you to get a fresh new start, then think again.

This is your fate, Gemini. You are here to live your life without the burden of heartache. It's up to you. You are strong and aggressive. Once you start accepting that you are worthy of a life free from heartache, you'll roll right into that position and own it. You deserve this kind of freedom. Accept that the universe has spoken and that it has shown you the way to heal. Receive that gift with open arms, Gemini.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.