3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On March 5, 2024

It's never too late to either fall in love or create a special loving bond with someone new.

3 Zodiac Signs Are Luckiest In Love On March 5, 2024 Antonio_Diaz from Getty Images | Canva Pro

If ever there were a day when not only our perspective changes into something wholly 'better' than it was only yesterday, but that we feel this immense hoping swelling within us, it would have to be this day, March 5, 2024. While this day may 'look' like any other day, what's going on in the cosmic sky above is where the real action is taking place and we'd have to credit to the transit of Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter for this good 'side effect.'


Just the words, 'Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter' sound good when placed together, don't they? We've got all of that healthful sunshine mixed up with the expansive energy of the Moon and Jupiter, and well folks, what can we say?

This day, March 5, 2024, is like a love poem that is meant to be heard by three zodiac signs...although if we listen hard enough, we don't necessarily 'have' to be one of these signs. Still, the three are the ones who need this 'poem' the most.

This is a day for luck in love and why? Because this is the day we open our minds and hearts to the idea that we're not alone in all of this, that we DO stand a chance with love, and that it's never too late to either fall in love or create a special loving bond with someone new. When the Sun, Moon and Jupiter speak sweetly, the feeling is all hope, all the time, and this time happens to occur.


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Three zodiac signs who are luckiest in love on March 5, 2024:

1. Cancer 

Nothing like the idea of Spring heading your way, as you are quite tired of the cold, dank weather, even if you're living in a tropical climate. There's just something about this time of the year that mentally has you feeling the need to escape it all and just bask in the warmth of the sun. During this day's outstanding transit, Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter, you'll know that your time has come and that if you have someone to share the feeling with, they will most certainly indulge you in this kind of thinking.

What's going on during Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter is that the 'good' feeling is undeniable, and you, personally cannot stop smiling. Marcy 5, 2024 puts you in such a good mood that you'll be the person in everyone's life who makes everyone around you feel good about being alive. And when it comes to your romantic life, you can push aside all feelings of animosity or judgment for another day; this is the day you allow yourself the 'good' feeling.

Because Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter is so ultimately positive, you might take a lesson from the feeling you work with on this day, March 5, 2024, as there is more to it than just feeling good. What this day brings you and your partner is the idea that you don't have to 'go back' to feeling badly, as you've proved to each other than you can live happily without the need to condemn or question it. In other words, this day shows you that goodness can and will prevail...if you let it.


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2. Leo 

What you might notice happening on this day, March 5, 2024 is that you feel a little more optimistic about your relationship that you did only a few days ago, and so much of this comes to you because you aren't really sure you were all that 'mad' to begin with. You are used to keeping up appearance so that you can convince your partner that you've 'decided' what's going to happen, and now that Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter is here, you aren't so sure that you're as committed to being 'stuck' as you wanted to think you were.

In other words, this day brings change, as in a 'change of heart.' You have come to discover that being stuck really doesn't serve anyone, and it certainly isn't what makes you happy in the relationship, that's for sure. Because of Jupiter's pull on you, you'll want to break free of the chains that are self-imposed, and once you get a taste of what you can do when you don't restrict yourself, you'll notice that all you are is...love.

And your partner will most definitely be on your side for that transformation, that is for sure, Leo. So, flow with the magical energy that comes along with Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter, as it's here for you to discover and use...for the rest of your life if you so choose. Don't fear the power of Jupiter; let it free you, and when Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter comes a-knockin', then definitely open the door.


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3. Sagittarius 

Things are changing so rapidly for you these days, Sagittarius, that people in your life are starting to take notice. This day, March 5, 2024 shows you that the efforts you've put in to changing yourself and becoming a better person are not only working, but making those in your life feel even more attracted to your energy. And during this day's transit, Sun sextile Moon trine Jupiter, it's as if you'll shed your final skin.

What you did not think was part of your life is most definitely a BIG part of your life and that is, of course, romance and love. Yes, you are part of it all and yes, you can fall in love, find love, be in love, be loved...all of it. March 5, 2024 lets you know that love has always been there for you, and that the only thing missing was your courage to accept it. This day shows you that you do indeed have that courage.

In terms of you and a romantic partner, if you have one, then expect for sparks to fly on this day, and if you don't have one, then understand this: you are in the right place at the right time for falling deeply, madly in love and it's going to happen soon. If not on this day, then very shortly, but know this, Sagittarius; you are worth being loved and valued. You are worth being respected and admired and it IS going to happen soon.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
