3 Zodiac Signs Own Their Power On January 21, 2024

Get ready for power shifts and dynamic changes.

3 Zodiac Signs Own Their Power On January 21, 2024 SergeyNivens from Getty Images | Canva Pro

On this day, January 21, 2024, we are looking at a very rare occurrence in the stars. One of the transits that will influence our lives on this day is the transit of Pluto in Aquarius, which refers to the placement of Pluto in the zodiac sign of Aquarius at this specific time in cosmic history.

With Pluto being known for its power of transformation, intense change and regeneration, and Aquarius representing the unconventional, unique and rebellious, we can do the math here, and what we will come up with is the idea that, for three zodiac signs here on this day, we might feel power shifts and dynamic changes. We may also see how those changes could potentially upset people.


What we're looking at on this day, January 21, 2024, are power plays and ego wars. It's a fight for who's the most original, who's the wackiest thinker, who's got the most 'out of the box' idea that will impress the boss, etc. We are fighting for the first position on this day, and we will try anything. What makes this day rough for many of us is that talent is not a rare thing, and we may truly see some fierce competition coming our way.


Three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on January 21, 2024:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

The last thing you ever want to be thought of is as 'normal.' You take that as a high insult; who would ever want to be normal? That's so boring. You fight tooth and nail to be the outlier, the one who would never accept 'normal' as a lifestyle, and you will find that on January 21, 2024, the idea of 'normal' is enough to make you do things so rebellious, just to prove that you'll never be a part of 'them.'

In your attempt to be the celebrated 'different' one on this day, you'll use the powers of Pluto in Aquarius to step into the spotlight, and what you'll find is that, while in that light, there are so many, many other people doing exactly what you're doing. Oh boy. So, is there a competition being held to see who the most unique person is? Is that the case, you may ask yourself. This takes you down a notch, Cancer, and shows you that being different is the new normal.

Everyone wants to be different and everyone wants to be seen as the special one. What Pluto in Aquarius brings out in you is the knowledge the special is as special does and this will have you wondering if you really are all that special. If you're doing the same thing as everyone else is doing ... then where's the big rebellion? This will have you thinking. It may go dark before it goes light, but at least you're on the right path, Cancer.


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2. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

You know that, among your friends, you're the one who is most daring and most adventurous, and one of the things that comes with being 'that person' is getting the kudos that come along with the gig. You may find that on January 21, 2024, you aren't as adventurous as you might be if nobody was looking or cheering you on. You may even find that during the transit of Pluto in Aquarius, you're just faking it for the attention.

When you get the attention you need, you really do come through with the backflips and the body rolls. It's not that you're not able to. It's just that you don't do much unless you're there for the applause, and so when that applause dies down, as it will during Pluto in Aquarius on January 21, 2024, you may feel weary and drained, as if you have no purpose. Pluto energy has you feeling as though you 'need' a purpose and on this day, you may find that to be depressing.


What you might find yourself doing, however, is trying something new ... just to recapture the attention of an audience that you believe has left you flat. This is where you could potentially make a fool of yourself. Do you care? You don't. However, you may find that during Pluto in Aquarius, you become worn out from trying too hard. This day could really take you down a notch, so bide your time and be careful as to how you release your energy.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

You always like to think of yourself as someone who is so self-sufficient and able that you needn't ever have to come down to Earth to rely on any other person. This is a point of pride for you. In fact, in your mind, it sets you apart in such a way that you might even come to believe you're superior, at least on this level. You don't rely on anyone, you don't ask for help, and if there's a task at hand, you do it yourself, no problem.


However, on January 21, 2024, during the transit of Pluto in Aquarius, you will see this as somewhat of a competition. It's as if you want to be noticed for your ability to do it all on your own, and when you don't get the proper attention for being this superhuman being of accomplishment, you may just get a little too testy for others to deal with. You tend to forget that everyone is living in their world and that not everyone is keeping their eye on you and your amazing ability to rise above.

So, if you do have the ability to rise above, then do it on this day, January 21, 2024. Don't wait around for someone to notice and praise you; be the real deal person and just live for yourself. You can do so much, Capricorn and you really are, indeed, an accomplishment machine ... but you needn't wait around for kudos or approval. Stay with the power; don't dilute yourself with egotistical desires for attention.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.