3 Specific Zodiac Signs Are Likely To Have Rough Horoscopes On September 3, 2023

Slowly but surely, we will get through this day, even if comes with rough horoscopes.

zodiac signs rough horoscope september 3, 2023 yuliya-husarm, Chikovnaya, Sumil Sharma from Vaibhav Ranjan's Images, IncrediVFX from Getty Images, and Cawisstudio from Cawis all via Canva Pro

With Venus going direct on this day, September 3, 2023, we may experience a sudden rush of love ... and for three zodiac signs, the suddenness of it all may be off-putting. What's going on today is that we're also working with the energy that comes from the transit Moon square Pluto.

Pluto represents transformation. When the Moon square Pluto is placed next to Venus direct on its first day, we have unresolved feelings and even a little romantic confusion. While we wish for our lives to transform into something better, it will be on this day, September 3, 2023, that we feel suddenly ... out of sorts about it all.




In other words, during Moon square Pluto, we might want to leap into love and find no one there to receive us. It's a case of 'all dressed up with no place to go.' We want love. We want to shower someone with kisses and affection, yet there's nobody there, which might end up making us sad sacks today, September 3, 2023.


Sure, the 'square' part of Moon square Pluto takes the day down a notch. Transformation sounds awesome and we are signing up for the full package ... but even though we are enthusiastic about personal change, it's just not the right timing. We want to fall in love, but nobody's biting. Ah well.

What we have to look forward to is that Venus will never let us down. It's only the first day of its direct motion, so stay tuned and hang in there. If you are one of the three zodiac signs that might feel dejected on September 3, 2023, then live it out and move on. The good stuff is coming; it just hasn't arrived yet. Stay strong, stay tough and all will work out as planned.

The three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on September 3, 2023:

1. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

Being that it's September, you naturally expect that everything will go your way because you've always believed in the fresh start that comes with the incoming Autumn season. On this day, you'll experience a small setback in your attitude as Moon square Pluto takes over and shows you that everything comes of its own accord and that you may need to hold off for a while before your 'dreams' come true.


No evidence here tells you not to have hope, but Pluto energy reminds you that while hope may stay alive, it will manifest when it manifests, which might not be something you can control, Libra. It's OK, and it's nothing you haven't experienced before. Your day will come shortly. Hang on and stay the course.

RELATED: The Horoscope For Saturday, September 3, As Venus Retrograde Finally Ends

2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

During the transit of Moon square Pluto, you may feel as though things are dragging a bit, and ironically, with Venus just coming out of its retrograde, you'd be correct about that ... what's going on is that you're not used to changing sudden, and that's what's headed your way.


You've gotten used to living the way you do, and you've also felt a bit lonely lately ... today reminds you that you do feel lonesome, even though it's quite apparent that things are about to change radically for you in the love department ... and for the best. So, today is mainly about melancholy feelings that are being indulged in. You've gotten used to being a little sad, and now, all that is about to change. It's new, different, and promising, and that's exactly what causes you confusion today. What to do with all of this sudden hope? Who knows ...

RELATED: The September 3 Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs

3. Pisces 

(February 19 - March 20)

September 3, 2023, introduces the idea of new love into your life, but that doesn't automatically register as a good thing for you. With Venus having just gone direct, you may still be in 'careful' mode. This means you aren't ready yet to start something new with someone, and the idea that something has started worries you. During the transit of Moon square Pluto, doubts are exacerbated, which may lead to you saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to your new, potential romantic partner.


You may feel a very distinct need to hold back. It's OK. Listen to your gut. If your intuition tells you to stay cool and not get involved, listen to what it tells you. You will make whatever needs to happen happen when the timing is right. Today lets you know that the timing is off. It will work out just fine, Pisces.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Won't Get Fooled In Love Starting September 3, 2023

Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.