28 Funny Memes All Millennials Can Relate To

You got to laugh, or you’ll cry at these millenial memes.

young girls looking at the phone laughing Mikel Allica / Shutterstock

Ah, the joys of millennial memes. From working too hard to obsessing over text messages, millennials are easy targets. 

Born between 1982 and 2004, millennials fall smack dab in the middle between Generation X and Generation Z.

What better way to capture the essence of the beloved social media guinea pigs than with funny millennial memes?

Being part of the most joked about generation has some perks. I mean, it’s kind of like hitting the joke lottery. 


But, being millennials, we know how to laugh it off (generally, after a good cry).

So, check out the top 28 millennial memes all of us can relate to and try to laugh off some of the stress.

1. "My stress stresses me out to the point where I’m too stressed to deal with my stress.”

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RELATED: 10 Stirring Motivational Quotes To Inspire Millennials

2. "F— yeah, stick it to the old people."

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3. "The man bun is the millennial mullet."

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4. "I love baby boomers who say ‘kids don’t even know how to write cursive’ in a negative way like ok grandma you can’t even turn your laptop on without getting 6 viruses and wiring half of your retirement money to a Nigerian Prince."

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5. "People who criticize our generation seem to forget who raised it."

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6. "Why would millennials do this?"

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7. "Young people: *offended by sexism/racism/classism etc*/ Old People: “This young generation is offended by every little thing!!!” Old People: *offended by a box of tampons*"

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8. "How they dress girls today VS. How they dressed me."

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9. "You see a rat, but I see a hard-working dad just trying to feed his four teenaged turtles."

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10. "Text: ‘Hey, do you have anxiety prime? **Amazon’ Response: 'yea, I got both.'"

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11. "My job helps pay for the stress-eating caused by my job."

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12. "'Millennials killed department stores' baby boomers killed the polar bears but right now my deepest apologies to JC Penny."

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13. "I love how baby boomers dreamt of being millionaires & the millennial dream is 2 have a 1 bedroom apartment and not to drown because of the ice caps melting."

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14. "Hate when people say 'you’re too young to be tired' alright Margaret you’re too old to be alive but here we are."

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RELATED: 6 Different Types Of Millennials That Prove Gen Y Is The Most Unique Generation Of Them All

15. "Me: sorry can’t go out tonight, I have too much to do. *takes quiz to see what type of pizza I am*"

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16. "How to be an adult: shop for a new tie, make macaroni, do cardio, don’t let the existential dread set in, don’t let it set in, vacuum the rug."

how to be an millennial memes

17. "I hate when people ask what I’m doing tomorrow … Like I don’t even know what I’m doing right now. Please don’t do this to me."

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18. "When your internet goes out and you are forced to get to know your surroundings."

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19. "I like when the generation that made Black people use separate water fountains say our generation is bad because we text too much lol."

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20. "Study tip: laminate your notes so the tears roll off."

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21. "FaceTiming the water so it doesn’t boil over while I’m watching TV in the other room."

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22. "Pretty much explains my life."

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23. "Me, life goals, internet. (Internet wins)."

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24. “When you and all your friends are all going thru some s—t, but you just wanna chill and suffer together.”

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25. "Beer … because you can’t drink bacon."

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26. "Me: *nearly exploding from stress* ah yes, it’s the perfect time to begin the tv series I’ve watched 6 times already."

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27. "Stress. Stress everywhere."

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28. "I hear crying. Oh, wait, that’s just me."

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RELATED: Generation Cry Baby: Why Millennials Are A Freaking JOKE

Nicole Bradley-Bernard is a writer who needs coffee more than she needs anyone’s approval. She enjoys putting bright colors in her curly brown hair, spending time outside on cool days and being with her partner in life, Eric, who she considers a continuing source of inspiration.