5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On May 12

A delicious day lies ahead...

 5 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On May 12, 2024 PublicDomainPictures from pixabay, Shen Stock, GriyaStudio | Canva Pro

Some days are best spent when you do absolutely nothing and allow yourself to relax and be free. That's the message and energy for the horoscope on Sunday, May 12, 2024, because self-care can also mean lounging in peace and doing nothing so that you can recalibrate within yourself. Of course, the five zodiac signs will have the best horoscopes under this influence: Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. The rest of the zodiac signs are encouraged to find sweetness where they can, too!


Firstly, with Neptune in Pisces opposite Lilith Retrograde in Virgo standing out as a beneficial force, we are urged to trust our creative instincts even if everything feels uncertain while we are in the middle and haven't finished yet. Each day will be a new adventure if you allow yourself to trust that native talent. Don't be surprised if it wows you. Don't be surprised if naysayers come out of the woodwork, too. Envy tends to rear its head in the presence of true greatness.

Trusting the creative process also means trusting it when it tells you to take a break. That's part of the process too, and allows things to mature at the right pace. So relax and trust. Meditate if you need to wind down before you can enjoy yourself fully. Then, do exactly as your heart tells you. If your friends or loved ones join you on the way, even better! Now, let's focus on the five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on May 12, 2024.


Five zodiac signs with the best horoscopes on May 12, 2024:

1. Leo

5 Zodiac Signs With Intuitive Horoscopes On May 12 Tante Tati from pixabay, mybeautifulfiles | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign to work with: Other Leos

Best area to focus on: Enjoy a bubble bath or give yourself a mini spa at home

Best time of the day: 10 am and 10 pm


Leo, the energy on Sunday is all about love and growth for you. Go where your soul can grow, especially in matters of romance. If someone doesn't value you, your gut will tell you the truth no matter what they say. Trust that intuition because the cosmic forces are rooting for your success.

You are also encouraged to lean into earth energy on this day, even though you are a fire sign. This will help you learn patience and the value of solid efforts. If possible, work with a gardener or start growing your sprouts. The latter is the easiest way to teach yourself patience through earth magic.

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2. Virgo

5 Zodiac Signs With Intuitive Horoscopes On May 12 Tante Tati from pixabay, mybeautifulfiles | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign to spend time with: Other Virgos

Best area to focus on: Learning a new language

Best time of the day: 2 pm and 8 pm

Victory will be yours, Virgo, if you believe you deserve it. Why not? Who told you that you aren't good enough to be victorious? They were lying. The cosmic forces are conspiring in your favor at this time, but they cannot help you progress and win if you don't allow this energy into your life. To receive it, you must let go of self-sabotage.

You are also encouraged to keep your home clean and air it regularly. This will remove stagnancy and allow positivity to thrive. Placing flowers in a vase is also a good idea, just make sure you throw away dead flowers once it's time.


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3. Aquarius

5 Zodiac Signs With Intuitive Horoscopes On May 12 Tante Tati from pixabay, mybeautifulfiles | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign to spend time with: Cancer

Best area to focus on: Try a new recipe

Best time of the day: 3 pm and 9 pm

Aquarius, you are the cosmic favorite child on Sunday. (At least one of them!) So don't hold yourself back, especially if you are invited to join your friends or acquaintances on a spontaneous adventure or trip. Intriguing surprises and extraordinary growth await you on this path.


You are also encouraged to think about what makes a house a home. After all, there's that saying about home being where the heart is. What is your take on this matter? Journal your thoughts if you feel called to. It will aid you in where you are going next.

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4. Pisces

5 Zodiac Signs With Intuitive Horoscopes On May 12 Tante Tati from pixabay, mybeautifulfiles | Canva Pro


Best zodiac sign to spend time with: Cancer

Best area to focus on: Try a new activity

Best time of the day: 1 pm - 3 pm

Pisces, don't allow the naysayers even an inch in your life! You may think you are being polite by allowing them to speak while not really listening, but they will keep trying to take up space and precious time because of that reinforcement. Don't feed any people-pleasing tendencies! It will spoil the cosmic blessings that are here for you.

You are also encouraged to keep practicing setting healthy boundaries. Start small, and then go big. You've got this. Practice makes perfect!

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5. Aries

5 Zodiac Signs With Intuitive Horoscopes On May 12 Tante Tati from pixabay, mybeautifulfiles | Canva Pro

Best zodiac sign to spend time with: Other Aries

Best area to focus on: Learn some TikTok dances


Best time of the day: 3 pm - 5 pm

Aries, the energy on Sunday for you is all about trusting yourself and your physical intuition as you engage with others or go on an adventure. You may not realize this, but you are naturally claircognizant. That means, your impulses are not always impulses but intuition.

You are also encouraged to find balance within yourself by being more mindful when you communicate with others. Listen to understand, and try to be softer in your approach. You will open new vistas for yourself and make better friends when you do this.

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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.
