3 Zodiac Signs Put Themselves First On March 29, 2024

There's a time and place for everything including placing your needs above others.

3 Zodiac Signs Put Themselves First On March 29, 2024 Tanor from Getty Images and Image Source from Photo Images | Canva Pro

We might not automatically think of the Sagittarius Moon as rousing a selfish streak in us, but this transit brings Neptune into the mix.

Together, this motley crew forms an alliance in the sky that influences three zodiac signs on Earth, pushing us towards self-protection and perhaps even a little self-focused.

During this Friday's Sagittarius Moon trine Neptune, many of us will size up a situation, perhaps one that has something to do with love or romance. We are going to realize that if we don't put ourselves first, then we'll end up way, way at the bottom.


What this symbolizes is the idea that for these three zodiac signs, the last few weeks (or months) have demanded a lot of us. We no longer wish to feel this way. We want to rise so that we can feel good about ourselves again.

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If a choice just so happens to come up where we get to be first or last on March 29, we won't hesitate to choose the number one position. Let's keep in mind that Sagittarius is a warrior sign and the only zodiac sign that holds an actual weapon. This weapon, for us, symbolizes our dedication to self. We are here to stand tall for ourselves because we've come to know what happens when we don't stand up for ourselves.


Three zodiac signs put themselves first on March 29, 2024:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

You've been here before, and you'll be here again. This, of course, refers to that crossroads event where you find yourself having to choose yourself over someone else. You feel that you are quite generous with your emotions and your kindness. Still, the last thing this life has taught you is that you can't sacrifice yourself for just anything. You need a good reason to feel justified in taking a second position. On March 29, during Sagittarius Moon trine Neptune, you won't be doing anything even remotely like that.

You have experience and a degree of wisdom on your side. You've learned that life is often a battle of egos. While you admit to having a healthy ego, you've learned to use it for self-protection more than to get your way. You can be pushy and demanding. During Sagittarius Moon trine Neptune, your main goal is to avoid trouble and get yourself to safe ground.

Suppose you find yourself in a position where there is someone in your life who demands a little too much of you. So much so that you notice something is really 'wrong with this picture.' Then, do yourself a favor and skedaddle out of that situation. Yes, put yourself first, Aries. Do what is right to honor the body you're in. You have fought hard to get where you are right now, so don't give in simply because you are in the presence of a much 'pushier' ego than your own. Fight the good fight for yourself. It's the right thing to do.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

You didn't want to have to be the one to step in and do the demanding. You'll notice that on this day, March 29, if you don't step in, then you'll be stepped ON. That's not going to happen on your watch, oh no. During the Sagittarius Moon trine Neptune event, you'll see that you are much better than whatever it is that's getting you down. You may find that you had better get yourself to a safe place before the whole day threatens to bring you down.

On this day, you'll realize that your opinion is just as worthy as the opinion of the 'expert' who has you thinking that you are just spewing gibberish. What you won't tolerate is being so blatantly disrespected, and that's where the day flips for you. You'll take back your power and choose your path. You aren't going to commit to doing something that someone else wants you to do simply because you are the 'stronger personality' in the group.


The days where you allow yourself to be swept away on a wave of manipulation are OVER. During the Sagittarius Moon trine Neptune, you'll see how easy it would be to go with the flow and end up not liking your decision to do so. This day, March 29, shows you that you are right to trust your gut and that there's no pressure on you to be like anyone else or do their bidding. You do YOU, Scorpio. When choosing yourself, you'll feel much better about life in general.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

Friday you'll be up against a situation that demands something of you that you are not in the least bit interested in giving. You are always faithful to yourself, Capricorn. You've seen how, given the right circumstances, the world likes to take advantage of the person in the room who is too weak to stand up for themselves. That dear Capricorn is NOT you, and you mean to let that be known on this day during the transit of the Sagittarius Moon trine Neptune.


Neptune energy has you thinking that you don't deserve to be disrespected. There will be someone who speaks with you on this day that has you practically laughing in their face, as they have way too much nerve to ask of you this one ridiculous favor. Not to mention that this favor comes with guilt if you don't consent. Well, they can take their guilt and their favor and stick it someplace because you're not budging. You know who you are, and you're quite happy to put yourself first in this case.

If you have to choose yourself over someone else on this day, then you'll be doing what comes natural to you. You are the first in line to put others before you, but not if the circumstances feel off or disrespectful. That's what makes you so great. You are fair and wise, but you will not stand for disrespect. You're not here to placate someone else's fragile ego. You are here to live your life in peace and hopefully bring joy to others along the way. That's who you are.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.