Heartache Ends For 2 Zodiac Signs On March 29, 2024

Sometimes it's hard to deal with the idea that we have our limitations.

Heartache Ends For 2 Zodiac Signs On March 29, 2024 spirit111 from pixabay, bojanstory from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

This Friday, we learn to forgive ourselves for falling short of our own expectations. Understand that for some March 29 will definitely bring up feelings of sadness, and we will have to deal with those emotions accordingly.

What we've got influencing us on this day is the composite energy of the Sagittarius Moon/Pluto. Here, we see how we expect the world to fall into our laps and how we know in our hearts that we are good, talented, and capable. Yet, we can't pass 'go' right now.


Sagittarius supplies the blind optimism, and Pluto reminds us that we still have to work within certain boundaries. For two zodiac signs, this causes inner conflict. When we see ourselves as pro-active and capable of greatness, it's hard to deal with the idea that maybe we do have limitations, or worse, something is actually standing in the way of our personal progress.


Because of the Sagittarius Moon/Pluto energy, we're in one of those 'between a rock and a hard place' kinds of situations. This isn't all that bad, though, if we are smart enough to employ patience and forgiveness.

On this day, we need to forgive ourselves for overreaching. It's not that we 'can't' get what we want or need; it's that this is a day of obstacles. So rather than bemoaning our fate, let's agree to wait it out, knowing the outcome will be so much better if we do.

Two zodiac signs overcome their heartache and sadness on March 29, 2024:

1. Taurus 

Being that you are always chipper and trying your best, you are also simultaneously putting pressure on yourself to keep it up. You have been through the worst of times and you'd much prefer the best of times and so much of your life's work, at least over the last few years, has been devoted to making this world a better place for you, and for others. You believe in positive energy and you mean to stand by that.

So, when that Sagittarius Moon/Pluto energy threatens to steer you in a slight different direction, you may find that you'll go with it, and end up feeling as though you did something wrong. March 29 could present a rough situation for you, as you aren't keen on feeling this way, especially considering how much effort you put into 'being good' and staying on that path. What creates conflict in you on this day is all about self-doubt and self-disappointment.


First of all, you need to immediately check yourself for authenticity. Are you telling yourself the truth when you have yourself convinced that 'all is rotten' or is this just a passing indulgence?

What would be good for you, Taurus, is to take this day with a grain of salt, as they say. That Pluto energy can and will get you down, but do you need to forfeit your entire personality over to it? Oh no, no way. Remember who you are, and don't buckle down over something that you will eventually deem to be irrelevant or unimportant.

RELATED: The Hardest Zodiac Signs To Break Up With — And How Quickly They Move On

2. Pisces 

You take to Sagittarius energy like a fish in water, but when Pluto drops by, it could cause a tsunami of emotions, and that might not be what you are ready to handle on this particular day. We all get emotional occasionally, and so much of it has to do with moods and the Moon. You've got that Sagittarius Moon/Pluto energy working your last nerve on this day, and you feel like the only way you can handle the pressure is by releasing it in tears.


What's interesting is that you might not be able to pinpoint where this emotional flood is coming from, or why now. You feel that you've done so much inner work that you should be able to snap out of it rather quickly but remember, you've got this enormous Sagittarius Moon/Pluto energy on you, and it has shifted you into the negative.

Keep in mind that so much of this is about how you see it, rather than how it is. Of course, being that 'perception is everything,' it will be hard for you to simply 'stop' feeling the way you feel. You are entitled to your feelings, as they are yours —  and this is your life.

What you can do to change the way it all bears down on you is to know deep down inside that it will pass, as all things do. So, if you feel like maybe you're at the tipping point of this emotional day, then go with it. Let it all out.

Cry if you feel you need to because the truth is that crying really releases energy, and if you give in to your emotions, then you may find that that's all it takes to feel clearheaded and at ease again. Hang in there, Pisces. It's all going to be OK.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.