3 Zodiac Signs Ignore The Warning Signs In A Relationship On December 1

The truth doesn't change just because we don't want to accept it.

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Three zodiac signs ignore the warning signs to a relationship on December 1, 2023. There are reasons why we often do not trust our gut feelings and that's because, at times, we react to certain things in extreme ways.

Aries, Gemini and Pisces are the three zodiac signs who ignore red flags in their relationship on December 1. 

We may become very scared off by something, though if someone else partakes in the 'scary thing,' they seem to do just fine. We start to build up a distrust for our intuitive skills based on the idea of 'if they can do it, then why can't we?'


December 1, 2023, brings us the transit of Moon opposite Pluto, and it is during this event that we see only what we want to see.

We project qualities onto people that they don't necessarily have and we decide that if a thing is unpleasant, it doesn't exist.


We are one with the idea of ignoring the warning signs today. We do not want to know the truth, and so we push it aside.

 Photo credit: berkay08 | Canva Pro

The ironic thing about the truth is, especially in the love department, it never really goes away. The truth doesn't change just because we don't want to accept it.


On December 1, during the transit of Moon opposite Pluto, three zodiac signs will either consciously or unconsciously deny the truth. Warning signs are gone; we want nothing to do with you.

Here's what is happening when these three zodiac signs ignore the warning signs in their relationships on December 1, 2023:

1. Aries, you saw them but you didn't heed the warning.

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One of the reasons why you ignore the warning signs that are becoming pretty obvious to you in your love relationship is because you have worked so hard to make this happen and you really don't want to have to admit defeat if something goes wrong. You have a clue that there's something wrong with this picture. yet you'd rather put your faith into the idea that 'it will work itself out.' This is pretty much how Moon opposite Pluto is going to affect your first day of December.




You simply do not have the bandwidth for problems right now, and certainly not in your love life. Your love life? Oh, no, please don't touch the love life. Right about now, you want to be able to kick back and rest the good relationship that you believe you've built with this person. The last thing you want entering your mind is the poisonous idea that something isn't as it seems. You aren't keen on denial, but that doesn't mean you won't employ it if necessary.

December 1, 2023, alerts you that something about your partner seems off as if they might be lying to you about something.

You register this feeling as both bad and totally not what you want, but you are also not ready to find out if any of this is true. Your fear will overcome your ability to question. During the transit of Moon opposite Pluto, you will deny to yourself that anything is actually wrong with your romantic life as it is.


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2. Gemini, you wanted to believe things would get better.

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The thing about you and warning signs is that this is practically all you look for and you start this up as soon as you realize you're in a relationship. You are so hair-triggered by memories of past partners that you can't tell if your present partner is being honest or if they are lying to you. You also know this about yourself. You know that you do not trust, perhaps 'at all' and so you come into the relationship looking for warning signs ... and you find them time and time again.




The problem here is that you've started to mistrust your intuition, and so now, you turn a blind eye when you pick up on the idea that ... maybe something is wrong. In a way, you just don't want to have to deal with it. In another way, especially during the transit of Moon opposite Pluto, you don't want to think that people are as bad as you make them out to be, even if they are your beloved romantic partner.

So, today, December 1, 2023, puts you right back into that confused state where you don't really know what's happening.

You want to trust so badly that you write a story around this 'bad feeling' that you've been getting, and you justify the warning signs as being paranoid ... again. Confusion doubles up for you during Moon opposite Pluto. On this day, you will opt to blind yourself to the truth.


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3. Pisces, you felt that something was off, but you waited instead of taking action.

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You may feel as though you are being pulled at both ends today, as Moon opposite Pluto brings out something in you that feels very polarizing. On one hand, you sense that something is fishy with your partner. On the other hand, finding out what that might be is the last thing you want to know. So, what goes on today is that you jump to conclusions and then promptly ignore your gut feelings.




You are seeing some serious warning signs in your romantic partner's behavior and you do not like what you see. You are also not mentally or emotionally ready to grasp that something might actually be wrong, as in 'seriously wrong' and so you hide yourself from the truth by totally denying it.

If something is actually wrong, then it will come out sooner or later, but 'right now' is not when you want to deal with it.

December 1, 2023, may bring you the warning sign of them all, and that's the one you will pay attention to. That is also the one you will wish you didn't see, as that's what's going to undermine you. However, during Moon opposite Pluto, you can't deal with the truth, and you won't. It's as if you will stomp your foot down upon it and hope it goes away. You are not into this kind of disruption at this point in your life.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
