Breakup Survival Guide: How To Get Over Your Ex

Kiss your ex goodbye with these simple steps!

Breakup Survival Guide: How To Get Over Your Ex

We all have one person we just can't get over, and there's usually no clear reason why that particular person has a hold on us. Some say it is a past-life connection, while others say it is because we finally had a connection with someone that we hadn't had with anyone in a long time. Due to this connection, we hold onto that person longer than we should just because we do not want to lose that feeling we once had.


There isn't an official "getting over your ex" handbook. But, what I have done in my past is burn or throw away everything that reminded me of my ex. I also have removed my exes from Facebook. With Facebook being so prevalent in everyones lives, it is necessary to not be friends with an ex at the start of a breakup.

Many people will use subliminal messages via status updates to get each others attention. I know you want to know his every move, but for your sake it is best to remove him in the beginning. If months down the road you two have figured out what most former couples can not, how to be mature and happy for each other, than by all means re-add him as a friend. But not a minute before. Why You Shouldn't Update Your Relationship Status


I also recommend staying away from his local spots. This became tricky for me and an ex because we both went to the same hangout spots. So, our relationship went back and forth longer than it should have because we ran into each other while we were drinking, which, of course, is another bad idea. Do not text while drinking. With liquid courage you say all the things you wish you would have said sober and then it all comes out all at once. No Matter What Do Not Contact Him First!

Of course, most people say that time is both your friend and your enemy. As time goes on, you will start to miss your ex less and less. As months go on, you will start to realize why your relationship did not work. Most people romanticize relationships in the beginning of a breakup because we think we want that person back. We miss them and we do not want to be alone.

The best thing to do is ask your closest friends what they thought of your relationship. They will be brutally honest because they were there when you were crying and bitching about your ex.

Once you have been away from the ex and have finally moved on, you will start to realize that if it was meant to be it would have been. Some relationships are there to make us learn about what we want and what we do not want. Treat a relationship that did not work out as a learning experience. Be happy that they taught you what you did not want in a boyfriend or girlfriend. Divorce Woes


Christy Goldstein is a relationship coach and can help you with all your relationship needs. Whether you need help with your current relationship challenges or to get over your past breakups and the events that happened during that break up, she has you covered! Contact Christy for a free 30 minute Skype consult!

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