The Most Desirable Quality In A Girl, According To Research

It might be time to start paying Fortnite, ladies.

Last updated on Jun 19, 2023

nerdy girl Chokniti-Studio/ Shutterstock

Upon first examination, you may think spending hours playing computer games would have a negative effect on a woman's social life.

How are you going to go out and meet the love of your life if your eyes are glued to a computer screen every Friday and Saturday night?

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Well, guess again, naysayers! In fact, ladies who play games on Facebook, cell phones, and computers have quite a sizzling social life. Even better, they have sex more frequently than women who don't game, according to a 2011 survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of GameHouse.

Well, I guess that's what I've been doing wrong this whole time. 

Not only are these "nerdy" girls getting more action in the bedroom, but they're likely happily committed to a serious relationship as well (probably with a fellow nerd, aww they can play Lego Star Wars together). Sixty-four percent of women who game online are married or living with a partner.


On a scale of 1-10 (10 being "completely satisfied"), 71 percent of these women rated their current relationship at 6 or above. That's a higher number than I can say for some of my friends who don't game at all.

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So, essentially, all of those hours on Farmville, Mafia Wars, and Words With Friends — not to mention nerdy games like Zelda and World of Warcraft — are paying off, right? Heck, if playing games means more sex, count me in.

Love, happiness, and a triple-word score? I'm totally down.


I can fall in love with someone and learn valuable online gaming skills. And for those of you claiming online gaming leads to laziness and inactivity, take note: There was no significant difference in physical activity levels between women who game and those who do not. You can game and work out, it's not one or the other.

Maybe that stereotype of a dude with a fedora and Cheeto crumbs on his fingertips who spends all his time hunched over on his computer with the blinds down is wrong, or at least is actually the kind of man all women want

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The moral of the story, based on these results, may not be to get out there and game — honestly, chances are you play some sort of computer game during your daily routine. Rather, ladies, let us be thankful that our "nerdy" habits have no impact on our sexual satisfaction. Play on, and be sexy.


Are you a nerdy girl? Do you think this helps your sex life? Or is this going to be your next attempt at finding your future husband?

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Kait Smith is an editor, writer, social media manager, and blogger who writes about the rules of love and relationships.
