Attract Your Soulmate By Doing This One Thing Every Day

Men love a woman who can laugh at herself.

man and woman embracing face to face K-a-t-e-r-i-n-a94 / Shutterstock

Are you jealous when you hear that another one of your friends has found and married their soulmate? Do you wonder why her and not me? Do you congratulate them, but your heart secretly aches because you are still alone? Do you wonder if you've missed your chance at true love, that there must be something wrong with you?

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I get it. When I conducted the wedding ceremony of a client last month, I saw singles in the crowd with the "I wish this was me" face on.


Weddings are notoriously good at making single people feel lonely, even if they are truly happy for the bride and groom. The bride in that wedding, Jeanice, used lots of tricks to keep her love vibe up and humming, even though she dated a string of kooky characters on her way to Micah. EFT was a big part of her plan and she swears by it. 



Jeanice leaned on her personal strategies to keep her mood upbeat despite obstacles, and it worked for her. Her number 1 resource? Laughter. This girl has a wicked sense of humor and even does a little standup if coaxed just right. Of course, it might take a couple of shots of liquid courage, but that just makes her funnier.


RELATED: 10 Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Looking For Love

So what does that have to do with you? Everything. Look, I know you are tired of looking, dating, and settling, and I know you wanted your soulmate yesterday, and you're getting tired of seeing so many couples on your Instagram feed. But, there is one thing you can do today. You can commit yourself to one thing that will change your luck ... I promise: Laugh more.

Photo: Leah Kelley/Pexels


Seriously, every day find something to laugh at. Do it every day for 21 days. It will help if you have friends sending funny videos for you to watch, and if you laugh, share them. Even the Bible says "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine." I encourage you to watch a funny video and try not to laugh: Laughter Contagious? You Bet!

RELATED: The Secret Reason Men Are Obsessed With Funny Women

It is messy and inconvenient to live with another human being, and that's the truth. Without a sense of humor and a lot of laughing, any soul mate match becomes strained. Join the movement and laugh every day for 21 days.

Humor is very, very attractive. Don't forget that.


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Catherine Behan is a highly educated and accomplished individual with a diverse professional background. She is a dating and intimacy coach, blogger, content writer, freelance writer, and editor. She currently works as a Law of Attraction and Success Coach, where she leverages her expertise in EFT to help people attract abundance and success in their lives.