2 Zodiac Signs Choose Love Over Fear On April 8, 2024

Whenever we have a New Moon, as we do this April 8, 2024, we have the space that we call 'pure potential.'

2 Zodiac Signs Who Have a Rough Day on April 8, 2024 KVASVECTOR, Retno Pratiwi, Fatido from Getty Images Signature | Canva Pro

The New Moon will arrive on April 8, helping two zodiac signs to choose love over fear. The New Moon is there, and yet, we cannot see it, as it is 'full dark' during this time.

This puts our imagination to the test and implores us to reach deeper to bring forth what we cannot see. This is the kind of day that requires us to think rationally, even when we have no truth to rely on. This day could confuse us, or it could bring up doubt within.


This New Moon configuration somewhat puts two zodiac signs off. The Moon is in Aries at this time, and that means that we are not only working with something we know nothing about. 

Our tendency to doubt it or fear it swells, and we may feel tempted to just back out. What we are going through during the New Moon in Aries is a sense of foreboding, though we are clueless about what we fear.

One might say this transit brings with it dread. We can't see what is there, so we naturally figure that it has to be a bad thing — our internal barometer points in the direction of fear rather than love. 


We end up feeling worse than we should during the New Moon in Aries. These two zodiac signs may let the fear overtake them, but there's one thing we do know for sure, and that is that all of this only takes a day. After that...Easy Street.

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These two zodiac signs choose love over fear on April 8, 2024:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

You can't help it: you're a worry wart, and you've been this way since day one. You are someone who overthinks things and turns them over in your mind again and again, especially if negativity is involved. Right now, on April 8, you've got your mind on something that has the potential to really rip your heart out. While you don't want to think about it, you can't help it, and that's how the New Moon in Aries adds to your stress.


There's an inevitability going on here, as whatever is on your mind is inevitable. Just the fact that this 'thing' IS going to happen, and yet has not happened as of yet, has you driving yourself crazy. Rather than sit back and accept and ride this one out, you will spend all of this day waiting, very impatiently, for the ball to drop. You know it's coming, and with the power of the New Moon in Aries above you, you'll go into hyperdrive when it comes to rumination.

What you can do, Virgo, is not only accept the inevitable but detach from it as well. What you've been doing is that you put yourself into the middle of the problem, and the reality is that this has nothing to do with you.

In other words, whatever is about to occur is not your fault, so try to relax and avoid taking too much responsibility for something you cannot help. You're not intentionally narcissistic, so there's no need to inject yourself into the problem so that you can 'feel' it more. This is inevitable; know this and detach from it.

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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Fear of the unknown has always been your downfall, and you are aware that this is all in your mind, as the unknown might very well be a fantastic thing. But you interject your fear into that unknown, and you usually end up convincing yourself that if you aren't in control of it, it will probably lead you astray. Typical Scorpio, in so much that you really do like to control the way you operate in your world.

On April 8, during the New Moon in Aries, you'll once again be in the position of having to do something, yet not knowing the exact parameters or details of the situation. In other words, you'll have to wing it, and this idea terrifies you.

If only you could get ahold of some more information on what you're expected to do, but spontaneity is not your forte, that's for sure. However, you are very capable once you know what's going on, and that's what bugs you most on this day: you don't know what's about to happen — it incenses you.


You can realize that, essentially, this is 'just another day.' Instead of putting all of your thoughts into the idea that 'this can't be good,' try to let it go and see what happens. There is no proof that something is doomed to go wrong, so why project it as reality?

Of course, it's hard just to let it go, especially if this is how it always is for you. Because of the New Moon in Aries, you can flip your thinking on its side because if you can do that, you won't fear the unknown anymore; you'll welcome it. And rightly so!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.