3 Zodiac Signs With The Luckiest Love Horoscopes On September 2, 2023

Love is something we don't hold back on during Moon trine Venus.

zodiac signs with the luckiest love horoscopes on september 2, 2023 Yayasya, The Branding Co, And Efks From Getty Images Via Canva Pro

It's kind of hard to go wrong when we have a transit like Moon trine Venus in our midst, and on this second day of September, 2023, we will be feeling the love. We may not even have to do much to feel it in our love horoscopes, as this is one of those days where we really don't have to make much of an effort to reap the rewards. This is how the universe lets us know that its got us; no matter what we say, do, think, or feel, we are supported by this vast presence, and that the presence is made of love.


The universe is made of love and we know it during Moon trine Venus. How very nice for us all.

While all of us will feel the love on this day, there will be three zodiac signs who make it really work for them, and we will see this take place through our communications with our romantic partners. September 2 opens up the floodgates to proper and honest communication.



 We want to tell our loved ones how we feel about them, which also implies that inhibitions go flying out the window today. We are bold and up front with our emotions, and for the three zodiac signs will who just come right out with it, this day could prove to be on the verge of 'giddiness.' We are really happy on September 2, 2023.


So, if you are someone who has been shy about telling your person what's going on inside that loving head of yours, then take advantage of this beautiful transit, Moon trine Venus, and let it rip, baby. You will be met with open arms and a warm embrace. Today is not the day to hold back on love. Go for what is yours. Feel the gratitude and the 'gift' of it all. We are loved and we are complete. It's all good on September 2, 2023.

Three zodiac signs with the luckiest love horoscopes on September 2, 2023:

1. Libra 

(September 23 - October 22)

Today feels like a relief to you. Out of nowhere, you suddenly feel as though all is well in your world. What happened? Only yesterday you were feeling stressed and uptight, and yet, today, September 2, 2023 seems to have lightened your load substantially. During the transit of Moon trine Venus, you will find that the one thing in your life you really and truly want to work out for you is ... working out for you.

Yes, your love life is absolutely fantastic, and the idea of it kind of sneaks up on you during Moon trine Venus. This transit helps us to realize that when we have it good — it's no accident. You worked hard for this Libra. This romance didn't just fall in your lap; however it all feels easy and simple today, and that helps your mental and emotional state. You feel good, and you look good, too.


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2. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

You aren't one to say 'no' to a good Venus transit, and you won't be saying 'no' today, for that matter. You'll notice that on this day, September 2, 2023, everything in your love life seems to be falling into place. You don't want to jinx it by thinking too hard about it, but you also can't deny the fact that something's going on and that something is mighty fine.

During the optimal transit of Moon trine Venus, you and your romantic partner will feel more 'at ease' around each other than ever before — and why? No reason at all. That's the fun part. You didn't need to do anything to get to this place, and neither did they.


It just kicked in and this is the day it shows itself to be true. You have great love in your life, Sagittarius, and days like today reveal themselves to be true gems in your cap. This is all due to how Moon trine Venus influences your zodiac sign. Nice!

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3. Aquarius 

(January 20 - February 18)

Well it's about time. You've been feeling off and ill at ease with your romantic partner, and because today's transit, Moon trine Venus, seems to be some kind of cosmic eraser, you won't even know why you had a problem.


In fact, September 2, 2023 wipes the slate clean and has both you and your lover feeling as if you've both been given a second chance. And why not take advantage of it, especially being that you BOTH feel it. Here you have a day that's practically tailor made for you and the great part is that you know it. You are no fool, Aquarius; you know a good thing when it comes to you, and today brings that good thing in heaping spoonfuls. Enjoy what you have because what is here today may be gone tomorrow ... and c'est la vie, as that is what makes life worth living.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. 
