What Men REALLY Think When You Queef During Sex

It’s definitely interesting.

queef WeHeartIt

A queef is a wish your heart makes — or simply put: air being expelled from your vagina …

You were either forced to learn about queefs in seventh-grade sex ed class or from that ridiculous episode of South Park “Eat, Pray, Queef,” or from personal experience.

And no matter how much you pray for these “awkward vagina farts” (as some call it) not to happen while you're having sex, they always do!


Because it’s natural, and it’s OK — but that doesn't change how awkward it is EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

If you’re embarrassed and are having an “oh, crap, this just ruined things” moment, here are what 15 men had to genuinely say about a woman queefing during sex:

The Mr. Mature

1. “Okay, so the first time it happened I had a WTF moment because I didn’t really think it could happen, I was also 17. But now when it happens, I try to play it off or to make the girl feel comfortable. It doesn’t happen to us (men) so it’s also nice when a woman is confident and explains what’s happening to her body or isn’t like crazy embarrassed about it. I’m also 32 so maybe it comes with maturity.” —Brian, 32 


2. “I don’t mind it. It’s definitely a little uncomfortable, especially when the girl doesn’t know how to react, but it’s not something that would stop us from continuing the situation. I don’t think it comes with age, it comes with maturity. It’s about owning that queef and both people realizing it’s normal.” —Brandon, 28

3. “If any guy says it’s an issue you’ve still got a lot of growing up to do.” —Ben, 26

4. “Not at all! Especially when it’s your girlfriend. It’s pretty funny actually and it a way makes you feel like you’re doing something right. I have noticed that it happens with certain positions (with my GF) and only when we go harder than usual, so it always makes me feel like I’m making her feel amazing, which in turn makes me feel even better!” —Jesse, 26

5. “Can you even hear it during sex? I’m too concentrated on other things to hear a queef and if it did I don’t think it would other me, it’s not like an actual fart where you gotta deal with the smell. I think?” —Anthony, 22


6. “They are not that bad! Just laugh it off and help her be comfortable. Imagine how she’s feeling!” —John, 27

7. “I think we can all be honest and say the first couple times it happens you’re definitely weirded out by it. As normal as you know it is, it’s awkward ... but now I’m cool with it. I’ve been in two serious relationships and both women did it, you get use to it” —Adam, 26

8. “I don’t mind at all. It’s actually kind of funny. I know most women are so embarrassed by it but it’s really not bad. I still laugh every time it happens.” —Robert, 31

The Mr. Grossed Out 
9. “If it’s a one-night-stand I’m not about it. I know it’s not the woman's fault but it definitely turns me off. If it’s someone I’m dating, or just have known for a little while it seems to be okay.” —Daniel, 27

10. “I don’t like it all all. You can’t deny that when you first hear it sounds like a fart and you’re mentally preparing for a smell and I guess that’s the turn off for me. Thinking a certain scent is about to follow.” —Nic, 27


11. “It puts me off track. I know it’s not their fault, but it’s a complete turnoff for me. And chances are (if they still want) we’re having to start over. —Harry, 26

12. "Yeah I don’t like that at all. It’s just so unexpected. I’ve had this conversation with guy friends before who claim to know the difference in sounds between a fart and a queef and I guess I should learn too! Because ultimately that’s the biggest turn off to me: farting during sex. —Alex, 28

13. “Let's just say I would rather it not happen…” —Jake, 25

14. “Oh hell yeah! Haha I’m not even going to try and play this one off. I honestly hate queefs. There’s something so unattractive about them. I’m not kidding when I say that if I’m dating a girl we always try and see which positions make her do that so I can try not to … and when it happens I feel like I get soft instantly” —Cameron, 25


15. “I hate them! Call me immature but they remind me of a fart and when you hear one that’s what you’re thinking. I know a lot of men like it when a woman is comfortable about it but I would rather she not even bring it up!” —Marcelo, 28 

So maybe a couple men aren’t okay with queefs — we can at least take away it’s mostly because of their maturity level. 

So ladies, if you’re too afraid of a sex position because queefing could happen, or just too embarrassed when it happens, STOP! 


It’s not as bad as you’re thinking, just laugh it off and play it cool.