11 Charming Gestures Men Make That Women Instantly Fall For

How a real man shows love.

Last updated on Oct 03, 2024

Woman knows the charming gestures to make men fall for her. VioletaStoimenova | Canva

While some guys don’t have a romantic bone in their bodies, there are plenty of men who are crazy romantic, just not in traditional ways. Because romance doesn’t just have to be roses and teddy bears. A man can make your knees go weak with a simple look, with a compliment, or even by cleaning the kitchen without you asking.

Romance is everywhere, if the guy does it right. With that in mind, here are 11 small, everyday romantic ideas men do that can be 100 times more special than anything in the Valentine’s Day aisle, and maybe even better than anything that comes in a jewelry box. 

Here are 11 charming gestures men make that women instantly fall for

1. He knows where to kiss you

couple on the beach Anastasiya Lobanovskaya / Pexels

That special spot. That little section behind your ear where one kiss sets your nervous system on fire. He knows exactly where that is and will never forget it. Kissing has its benefits, including higher relationship satisfaction, according to research from the Journal of Pragmatics.

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2. He pauses slightly before he says, “You look great tonight.”

smiling couple on steps Hussein Altameemi / Pexels

That pause is the moment when you know that he’s just taking you in with his eyes and thinking “Wow.” That pause means everything.


3. He talks to your parents on the phone

older man on phone Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Even though that’s possibly the most painful small talk in the world to witness, especially at first before he gets comfortable with them.


4. He reads the labels on your clothes before he does laundry

man doing laundry RDNE Stock project / Pexels

Because he realizes that, unlike his wardrobe, all of your clothes aren’t 100 percent cotton (or 80 percent t-shirts).

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5. He cuddles, even if he’s a non-cuddler

couple cuddling Ba Tik / Pexels

He’s willing to let you fall asleep with your head on his chest (and figure out how to escape later), because he knows how much you love it. Snuggling with someone you love can lower your cortisol levels, helping you destress, according to a study from 2021.


6. He fills the car up with gas before he gets home

man in car Oleksandr Chepys / Pexels

You might pride yourself on coasting into the driveway with only 2 miles of gas left in the tank, but when he has the car, he doesn’t want you to have to stop for gas on the way to work in the morning.

7. He eats kale

couple eating salad Kampus production / Pexels

He doesn’t like it. No one likes kale. But he respects that you’re concerned about eating healthier and he wants to support you.


8. He watches Gilmore Girls with you

couple watching television SHVETS production / Pexels

And he decided that he was #TeamJess before you even told him that he had to be #TeamJess.

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9. He talks to you before he makes plans

couple talking about plans Ron Lach / Pexels

Not because he’s whipped, but because you’re sharing a life together, you’re his partner, and he wants to make sure that he’s not forgetting anything that’s important to you.


10. He notices when you get your hair done

man complimenting woman cottonbro studio / Pexels

Even if they’re just subtle highlights. He knows you well enough to spot something new.

11. He knows your details

couple lounging and talking Ivan Samkov / Pexels

If anyone asks (or if something comes up), he knows your eye color, height, blood type, bra size, ring size, shoe size, what restaurants you hate, feminine hygiene products of choice, and everything you might be allergic to. He remembers the specifics because you’re important to him.

RELATED: 7 Obvious Signs He Likes You More Than You Think But Is Hiding It

Tom Burns has served as a contributing editor for 8BitDad and The Good Men Project, and his writing has been featured on Babble, Brightly, and Mom.me, Time Magazine, and various other sites.
