The 5 Physical Features Men Are Attracted To Most, According To Research

The physical features that create instant chemistry.

Last updated on Oct 16, 2024

Man is most attracted to this woman physical features. Ivanko_Brnjakovic | Canva

People being attracted to a potential mate solely based on personality is a romantic idea, but, unfortunately, humans are still pretty superficial when it comes to chemistry. What we're trying to say is, that most people find others attractive based on looks — and this info is coming straight from surveying other humans.

A large number of people indeed find the same things attractive because, well, evolution, but it's also true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what people find attractive is subjective — so we're taking all of these findings with a grain of salt. Interesting, nonetheless. Here are five top features that are allegedly most likely to create instant chemistry.


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Here are the 5 physical features men are attracted to most, according to research:

1. Their smile

Very possibly the most universally mentioned feature people consider the most important when it comes to physical attraction, a great smile was the only feature cited as "very important" by the majority of people polled in a survey completed by the American Dental Association.

These findings are echoed in Match's annual Singles in America poll. The online survey of 5,481 unmarried individuals found that most singles judge the person they are on a date with by "the big three." These three traits suitors are sized up with include teeth (the other two, if you're wondering, are grammar and confidence).


2. Their eye color

It is said eyes are the windows to the soul and based on a study by 1-800 Contacts, it's clear that eyes do reveal a lot about people. In the site's poll of 1,000 people, they asked participants about their perceptions of eyes and what eye color can reveal.

Of the participants who were surveyed, the majority of both men and women found gray eyes to be the most attractive eye color. Men ranked blue and green as their second and third favorites. Sorry to all the brown-eyed girls out there.

These Are The Physical Features Men Are Attracted To Most cottonbro studio / Pexels


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3. Their breasts

This may not come as much of a surprise to you, but men often check out a woman's chest before they check out her face. Shocking, we know. In a Women's Health 2016 survey, more than 6,000 Men's Health Twitter followers were polled on which physical features they found most attractive, and, well, they love boobs.

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4. Their legs

While it may seem surprising, men love a long pair of legs. More specifically, men rate a woman with a longer leg-to-body ratio as the most attractive. A 2006 study examined the human leg-to-body ratio (LBR) as an aesthetic among 71 British undergraduates. The results showed that a longer LBR was preferred in women, whereas a shorter LBR was preferred in men.


Research Says These Are The Physical Features Men Are Attracted To Most Kyle Miller / Pexels

5. Their hair 

So there's something to the cliched dating techniques of hair-tossing and running your hands through your hair. Who knew? According to a study from Gee Hair, 25% of men surveyed agreed that blonde hair was the most attractive among women, with 16.2% for brunette hair and 15.3% for redheads.

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Julie Sprankes is an entertainment and lifestyle writer. Her work has been published by Apartment Therapy, HuffPost, Bustle, NatGeo Green Living, The List, and more.