Monthly Capricorn Horoscope


Luckiest day of the month for Capricorn in May 2024: Thursday, May 2

Pluto in Aquarius will station retrograde on Thursday, May 2, helping you to tap into your dreams for how to generate greater financial wealth. Aquarius energy rules not only matters of finances but also self-worth, which is always the foundation for greater abundance. Pluto, though, is known as the lord of the underworld, whose mission is to bring to light whatever was previously hidden. Whether this helps you finally deal with your feelings of worthiness or gives you the confidence to tap into a new business idea, embrace what surfaces because it is for your greater good.

Toward the end of May, on Saturday, May 25, Jupiter moves into Gemini and brings in an incredible sense of determination. While you will be focusing your success on how you feel in your life, Jupiter will help you take all that arises with Pluto retrograde and dig deep to embody the determination required to achieve success. You are truly a wealth of ideas, but until you actually get started on them, you’ll never know how much luck really is guiding your every step.

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