Monthly Cancer Horoscope


Luckiest day of the month for Cancer in May 2024: Tuesday, May 7

Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the zodiac, has been in Taurus since 2023, helping to expand the community that surrounds you and granting a few wishes along the way. During this time, you went through an immense period of transformation as Pluto moved through its final stages in Capricorn, but as 2024 began, you’ve been trying to figure out what you want for yourself and your life. As Jupiter’s time in Taurus comes to a close, it’s time to reintroduce yourself to the world and truly leave the past behind.

On Tuesday, May 7, just a few weeks before Jupiter shifts into Gemini, there will be a fortunate New Moon in Taurus that will mark the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Instead of feeling like you are always the support or idea person for others, there will be a chance to tap into the resources that surround you, helping you to achieve greater abundance — and a clearer plan for the future. Never underestimate those around you or that you deserve others to show up for you in the ways you have for them.

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