3 Ways To NOT Feel Like Total And Utter Crap On Your Period

Take care of yourself during that time of month.

How To Take Care Of Yourself During Your Period weheartit

The curse. Being on the rag. Girl flu. THAT time. PMS. Feeling bloated.

Gosh, isn’t it fun being a woman and having your period? Creating a habit of taking good care of yourself during and before your period will make it a far better experience.

It may not always be fun. However, it is one of the most sacred experiences you can have as a woman. Knowing how to take care of yourself during your period is an important rite of passage for any young lady. The earlier you learn this, the better off you will be.


When you think of your monthly cycle, does it bring you feelings of happiness or not? Do you honor it or do you wish it was never there?

Stop The Vicious Cycle

If you have challenging periods, have you ever thought that it might be because of your attitude about it? The more you hate it, the more it hates you. The more you have heavy periods and cramping, the more you don’t look forward to it. Your period becomes a vicious cycle of bashing your femininity.

I believe when you honor your period as sacred, your body changes the way it handles the whole process. Your femininity has consciousness. When it is suppressed and dismissed it rebels. Your body rebels. Your female reproductive system rebels.



In this overly masculine-oriented society that we live in, could all female reproductive issues, at their core, come from the belief that the feminine is not important and doesn’t matter?

If you want to know how to take care of yourself during your period, It is crucially important for you to validate this part of yourself as a woman. Do not reject it.


Validate Your Femininity

When you validate your femininity, the sacredness of your cycle, the biological rhythm of being a woman, and the blood that you release every month, your body softens, your consciousness opens, and you begin to experience an awakening of the divine feminine within you.

This is how you take care of yourself during your period, by first and foremost fully accepting and even celebrating your female biological processes.



When you discredit your femininity, you are discrediting the core of your being as a woman. At the deepest level, you are discrediting you.

Your female body feels the rejection and she cramps down, she becomes stagnant, unexpressed, and emotionally repressed. She loses her feminine power.

You become a woman, like many, living in this masculine world, disconnected from your creative force and wisest part of your womanhood.

Important Tips To Take Care Of Yourself As A Cycling Woman

If you, like many women, do not look forward to having your period, I am sure there is a valid reason. It is probably due to some type of suffering you associate it with, whether it is cramping, bloating, pain from an endometriosis condition, or something else.


My heart goes out to you. That is why so many women turn to surgery and are happy to have it all taken out. For some that may be the best solution.


For all cycling women, learn to love, honor and take care of yourself during your period. Learn to shift your attitude from one of loathing to loving. It may not be easy however it is profoundly empowering.


Here are 3 helpful and important tips to remember for taking good care of yourself during your period:

1. Rest

The first couple of days of your period, give yourself permission to have down time and rest. Don’t make big plans and stay home if possible. Make your down time enjoyable. Take time for yourself, read, journal, and in general, just slow down.

2. Feel

Tune into the magical process that is happening inside of you. An easy way to do this is to place your hands on your lower belly and feel the warmth of your hands melting into your femininity. Make the connection.

Something biologically beautiful is happening inside of you. This is more powerful than you can imagine.


3. Release

If you suffer from PMS and/or bloating, don’t resist it. Allow yourself to be more emotionally sensitive. Allow yourself to feel uncomfortable in your body. Your body is preparing to release that which it no longer needs.

As you bleed, know that you are releasing any built-up stress that you collected during the month. This is a magical body function only we, as women, have. An internal cleansing system. What a blessing! 

Please don’t forget how magical and mystical you are as a woman. Knowing how to take good care of your natural feminine processes is vitally important. Honor your body and its sacred cycles, tune into your natural feminine rhythms, and give yourself permission to slow down during this special time.


Anna-Thea conducts and teaches an online school about Feminine Leadership and Self-Love. If you are a cycling woman and want to explore more about cultivating and honoring your feminine side visit www.Anna-Thea.com. You can also see the curriculum of live online courses she offers at Leader of Love