I Didn't Realize How Much #ImWithHer Until Now

I'm so glad she's going to be our next president.

Hillary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton EOnline

My mother is the kindest, most loving person I know.

Being her daughter is a privilege, even if she dances like the whitest person on the planet and understands advanced levels of emotional manipulation.

Even when we disagree, I can always see where she's coming from.

Except when it comes to Hillary Clinton.

My mom hates Hillary Clinton. So does my dad, but because of sexism that is less surprising. 


Growing up, the family dog was named Hillary — because she was a real bitch. 

Because I didn't know anything about politics, I assumed my parents were correct.

Now, at 33, I make my own decisions, and I'm proud to say that come November one of those decisions will be to vote for Hillary Clinton as our next president. 



I was initially worried that even though Donald Trump is basically a very evil bleached anus that people's inherent and sexist dislike for Hillary would make this election America's last. 

But after last night's convention speeches, the tide has shifted.

Those who thought of Hillary as scheming, robotic or heartless were confronted with irrefutable truth that Hillary isn't just a powerful and experienced political figure, she is also a mother, doting grandmother, and a life long public servant.

That life of public service, and dedication to our nation's women and children was the primary topic of the short documentary by Shonda Rimes, narrated by Morgan Freeman.


Like, I'm not emotional enough already with the tremendous strides women have made, you're gonna throw Morgan Freeman expostulating at me?

My heart figuratively cannot take all of this wonderful. 

The documentary proved something that has to have swayed her detractors: has Hillary spent her life trying to achieve the office of president, doing all she can to get there? Absolutely.


But that doesn't mean it's because she craves ultimate power, or because she's a man hater.

She wants to be president because she loves people. 

She cares deeply and passionately about human rights, and has — as you can see in that video — dedicated her LIFE to fighting for them. 

I had to briefly and dramatically lay down after watching that documentary, and I haven't even mentioned the most emotional moment of the convention. 

I'm talking Chelsea



If you missed Chelsea Clinton's speech, we all learned that Hillary will stop everything (and we mean everything) for a FaceTime session with her granddaughter. 

At the conclusion of Chelsea's speech, her mother took the stage and the two embraced. 

I completely lost it. I was a gibbering mess.

There was a mother embracing her daughter on her way to accept the nomination for president. It doesn't get more historical than that.

In the look of love the two women exchanged, I saw something else too, a promise realized. "I told you we can do anything," Hillary seemed to say, "and look at where we are now." 

This look was for Chelsea, but the sentiment is one Hillary communicated to every single woman watching the convention, chills running up and down our spines the whole while.


Exhibit, these two:



Debra Messing and Connie Britton were FAN-GIRLING OUT in the audience and it has made my life. Their giddy faces were all of us! 

In addition to the spirit of ambition and drive that have characterized Clinton's campaign, we finally saw the joy and the love.

Did you catch Hillary and Bill playing with the balloons at the evening's end? It's a visual dictionary definition of joy. 



I know that for awhile, some of us planned on voting for Hillary because she was simply the only option. 

After last night, it became clear that she is so much more than that. 

She's the RIGHT option. 
