What Specific Day Is The Luckiest For Each Zodiac Sign This Week

Be determined in the pursuit of your dreams.

What Specific Day Is The Luckiest For Each Zodiac Sign This Week mister-vector, Dean Drobot, geralt from pixabay | Canva Pro

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - A. Schweitzer. Throw out the rule book for success and instead lean into your heart and what brings about the most desire.

Your greatest achievements will always rest within what brings you the greatest joy, as it no longer seems like work but instead your purpose. Although 2024 is just beginning, it's never too early to start shifting your mindset and creating the space to connect with your divine purpose.  


The week of January 1 begins with Mercury stationing direct in Sagittarius, helping to bring resolve, growth and closure to themes from November 2023. Use this time to focus on what you want to create new in your life, as well as how to navigate any obstacles or challenges.

During Mercury's retrograde, it was a process of discovering what you truly want and then moving through the phase of planning so that as the planet of communication stations direct, you can start taking action on your dreams.  



Mars will also shift into Capricorn on January 4, which brings this planet into unfamiliar territory. Mars encourages you to take risks to boldly stand up for what you want but tends to be more impulsive and, at times, overly confident. However, in Capricorn, Mars is encouraged to slow down, focus on the details, and ensure that it's following the steps necessary for success.  


Once Mercury stations direct and Mars shifts into Capricorn, you will be given an opportunity to start building your dreams from the ground up. Nothing is impossible. It's just a matter of being able to identify how to make a particular idea come to fruition.

The more that you are able to honor your wants, the easier things will go, as often, the less you are connected to your truth, the more difficulties you will face. Allow yourself to see that the greatest success isn't found in just your finances or titles but instead in feeling like you are living your divine purpose each and every day.  

Luckiest Day Horoscopes for Each Zodiac Sign for January 1 - 7, 2024 


(March 21 - April 19)  

Luckiest Day: Thursday, January 4, Mars in Capricorn ruler of your career sector 


It's time to buckle down and work on what you need to propel yourself into the new opportunities you are seeking. You've outgrown where you have been professionally, and so it's time to start looking toward what is next. Take this time to work on your resume and start searching for job postings that may be more in alignment with what brings you the most happiness.  

While career changes can seem daunting at times, they're also what allows you to create something reflective of your desires and purpose. Your career and job should energize you instead of depleting you. You will know what is meant for you by how it makes you feel, so never settle for less than complete joy.  

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(April 20 - May 20) 


Luckiest Day: Thursday, January 4, Mars in Capricorn in your house of luck  

Take the risk of doing something new or venturing a bit further out of your comfort zone. You know that you have been gravitating more toward new experiences than you previously have, but you also need to get serious about it. You can't keep continuing to expect that you'll have an endless amount of chances to take this leap toward your dreams. Instead, make each one count by reminding yourself that you are worthy not just of success but of living life fully.  

If you have any travel planned or the opportunity to do so for work, it's highly encouraged around this time as it may also lead to an increase in opportunities. If your mindset can shift to purely looking to embrace every moment you can, then you will also be able to make decisions from a more aware perspective, knowing you can succeed in multiple areas. 

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(May 21 - June 20) 

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, January 4, Last Quarter Moon in Libra in your sector of joy 

You deserve to be happy. Not just on some days or when you leave your job, but madly in love with what you do. When you are in love with your life and your career, you move differently. You give off a new energy and feel greater peace within yourself, even if you are busier. To achieve that, you also need to start giving happiness the importance it deserves in your life. 

Reflect on when you are at your happiest. In your career, use this to create or even customize a job role that can let you focus more on what brings you joy. If it's writing presentations, then perhaps devote more time to that. If it's media or graphic design, then allow yourself to switch to that, too. You can do anything you dream of, but first, you need to be able to acknowledge what brings you genuine joy so you can build your life upon that.  


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(June 21 - July 22) 

Luckiest Day: Monday, January 1, Mercury direct in Sagittarius in your house of well-being 

There is no rush into whatever comes next; you are destined for wonderful things.  First, you need to learn to care for yourself in all the ways you care for others. You have always made others your priority. To make sure they were taken care of, provided for, and even loved in the ways that you have always longed to be. In that, you forget the most important person, yourself. So, let this era be about what brings you the greatest sense of well-being. 


You may be craving a change to your daily routine or even what you give your time to in the week of January 1. Don't judge or think that it's unimportant. As you are establishing a new standard for life, it is what will help you attract and build what you truly desire. When you know what you need to feel your best, you can also curate your life around that.  

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(July 23 - August 22) 

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, January 3, Last Quarter Moon in Libra in your house of communication 

The words you say have immense power, and by being able to tune into your truth, you can change the world, even if it's only your small corner of it. When you speak, the world listens, thanks to your bold and intense nature, which means you also have greater power than you often give yourself credit for. This inner drive to create, to speak up and to achieve whatever you desire is an inner strength, even if others in the past haven't understood this.  


Use the Last Quarter Moon in Libra to advocate for your truth, to stand up for what is right, and to ensure that you aren't letting something slip past your boundaries. When you are confident in what you want and need, you also set the tone for what you will accept. So, creating this new era of abundance also rests in your ability to declare to the world that you deserve nothing less.  

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(August 23 - September 22) 

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, January 3, Last Quarter Moon in Libra in your sector of wealth 

You have always known that you prefer the best of everything, but it's time that you start feeling more confident in creating a stable sense of abundance in your life. This comes down to you receiving a financial gift, inheritance or even a boost to your income that lets you radiate more of that inner sense of wealth you have dreamed of for your life. 


While it may come across as an unexpected gift, this financial boost you'll see in the week of January 1 seems instead to be connected to past choices and work that you've made. Regardless, though, it's about knowing that you are worthy of receiving this abundance and then making sure that you're utilizing it to create not only more but also to reflect what you know you deserve from life. When you radiate wealth, you will only continue to attract more.  

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(September 23 - October 22) 

Luckiest Day: Monday, January 1, Mercury direct in Sagittarius in your house of truth 


You are preparing for a major shift in your life as you begin to honor your divine purpose. You may have tried to do things a certain way or even ensured that you were taking care of more practical matters, but all along, you have been learning what truly resonates with your soul. As you have, you've also reached the place of understanding yourself more deeply and having greater faith in yourself.  

As the week of January 1 begins, you may find yourself having to talk about the plans and dreams you've had with others or even prepare to apply to a new job, educational program or other venture that is about you following your dreams. The universe is on your side, so don't waste this opportunity. Instead, seize it and trust that whatever happens is all about bringing you closer to your destiny.  

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(October 23 - November 21) 


Luckiest Day: Wednesday, January 3, Last Quarter Moon in Libra in your house of dreams 

When you can honor your dreams, you also can finally live your best life. You also must remember that the old stories of your past can't go where you are headed, so you must be able to choose your thoughts as discerningly as you do the clothes you wear each day. When you realize the power you have over your thoughts, you'll see how they genuinely go into creating the life that you are living.  

Try to set aside time to reflect on the dreams you have for your life and the new year, especially as the Last Quarter Moon rises in Libra. This is a valuable time to connect to your intuition and realize that you can build and create whatever you desire. Limitations are only an illusion, and when you can see that, you can also fully embrace the power you have to create and live your best life.  

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(November 22 - December 21) 

Luckiest Day: Thursday, January 4, Mars in Capricorn in your house of financial abundance 

Money is on your mind, and while financial abundance is a worthwhile pursuit, you must remember that it doesn't mean it will solve all your problems. As much as you are being driven to focus on your finances, which includes both bringing in more income and taking care of any debts, you also must ensure that you're focusing on what represents the most valuable to you in your life.  

Wealth and money will only solve the physical issues, but the challenges of living a life of value will still be yours to figure out. Spend time reflecting on what you feel of the most value in putting your energy into and those in your life that are the most important. After all, success means nothing if you are celebrating it by yourself.  


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(December 22 - January 19) 

Luckiest Day: Wednesday, January 3, Last Quarter Moon in Libra in your house of success 


You deserve all the success in the world, but you also need to understand how achieving balance factors into that. You can expect to reach a new level within your career during the week of January 1, as you've been putting in the work to create a new reputation for yourself. However, you must also remember that success isn't just in the career world but also in your personal life. Although it will look different, it's no less meaningful.  

Take the time this week to focus on what you've achieved in your career, as well as how you have shifted your mindset to include more balance within the different areas of your life. This will continue to be a theme for you in all of 2024, so it's an important one to reflect on as you deserve to not only be successful in your life but also to feel genuinely fulfilled by it.  

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(January 20 - February 18) 


Luckiest Day: Wednesday, January 3, Last Quarter Moon in Libra in your sector of expansion 

Everything is set to change, and for you, things couldn't look better. The coming year will be full of new opportunities, travel, educational programs, new career possibilities, and the feeling that you're finally living the life that is meant for you. Before you start expanding into the world of your dreams, you also need to reflect on what you genuinely want. By understanding what will be most important or of the most interest to you in 2024, you can start to lay the groundwork for future success.  

Be mindful of themes involving balance versus keeping the peace as the Last Quarter Moon in Libra rises. You may have to let things shift in your life to continue to create the inner peace that you seek, but it will be worth it in the long run as you are able to experience more of what life has to offer and attract an increased sense of abundance. Begin where you are but have faith in ending up where you are meant to be.

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(February 19 - March 20) 

Luckiest Day: Monday, January 1, Mercury direct in Sagittarius in your house of professional aspirations 

Your career purpose comes from the desires of your heart. As you honor what you feel is most important to you, you can also start to transcend any limitations and truly overcome any perceived obstacle that may stand in the way of you and your dreams. You've also been working hard to trust in the process and to understand that while you can't control every little thing, it doesn't mean the universe isn't always working in your favor.  

Mercury will station direct in Sagittarius in your house of professional aspirations and career, bringing a focus back to themes from November 2023. However, now that things have come full circle, you should also see a different outcome happening, whether it's in terms of a new career or something that you first addressed a few months ago. Never lose your hope in life, turning out far better than you could ever have imagined.  


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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and retreat curator. For more of her work, visit her website
