ADD/ADHD, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Empowering Women, Energy Psychology, Life Management, Spiritual, Stress Management, Health/Wellness


CHT, Med

Additional Expertise

Dating Coach, Relationship Coach, Speaker/Presenter

About Lana Pritzker

"I do not call myself Psychic, but may be I should "

What if you knew how you were wired or, better yet, understand your partner's "buttons", so you could stay true to yourself yet create intimate connection... even when you think it is impossible? What if there was a way to KNOW exactly WHAT was really going on and HOW you could make your deepest desires come true?

When I was 21 when I fell in love with my current husband from the first sight.  I was young, had a great teaching career, amazing friends and many interests (like traveling, dancing, theater, writing, etc). And I  knew that I wanted to marry someone who was just as happy, just as accomplished, and just as free as I was.

Well, when you meet a free spirit, it is hard to tame it, huh?   You see, he was a mountain climber and this was his first commitment (or should we call it marriage?). It took me two years!. I teased him, I cried, I asked our friends for help... I've done all I could, but nothing worked!  He believed that family responsibilities would limit his freedom to do what he loved the most - climbing mountains. Then I got it ...and used it - a precise relationship strategy that made it happen.

Today, after losing myself and almost destroying our relationship, I found my truth, and then found love and connection again. We raised two talented children, both have flourishing careers and he is still climbing... He even summitted Everest in May 2009 . Last year we began learning the Argentine Tango... He is dancing for the first time in his life!

The Relationship Puzzle is a tricky game.

Frustration, disappointment, and anger are relationship killers. To avoid provoking these feeling, we often sacrifice our authentic self in attemt to please others. Delivering readings of relationship maps for  hundreds of people I became a master on a subject and created a system that helped them navigate the relationship mazes. My reading gives you precise logistics of who you, helps you figure out your partner's behaviors, and shows how to prevent conflicts without losing your true voice.

I am passionate about helping you build a successful Relationship Puzzle. Not only you can find the love and perfection at any age, but you can also dramatically improve a relationship that you already have. My mission is to help you to "do it right " from the beginning or change your love drama into Love Story.

If you doubt yourself, feel rejected or disappointed with your relationships, do not despair! It is no accident that you found my articles, or videos, or success stories today! I would like to offer you a rare picture of You, Your Partner and Your Relationship  that supports you in becoming confident, happy and satisfied in your love life.

I am passionate about my intuitive reading and love helping you live happily ever after.

You deserve it.
It is your time!
I am excited that we are connected now.

Visit my website to download FREE Love, Loved Loving CD and sign up for my newsletter.

E- mail me at Lana@energy4action.com or learn more about how I can support you at http://www.energy4action.com

Call me at 847 414 3730 for your FREE consultation

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Success Stories

Lana Pritzker Articles