ADD/ADHD, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Sexuality



Additional Expertise

Psychologist, Speaker/Presenter

About Gerry Heisler Ph.D.

I'm an experienced clinical psychologist who has been a front line clinician for 38 years. There isn't much that I haven't heard or treated as I have counseled thousands of clients. I grew up and was educated in Illinois at the University of Illinois and Southern Illinois Unioversity. My training was completed at The University of Southern California in Los Angeles. 

I believe that almost all of us can say when we are in a relationship that "he has flaws, she has flaws, and the relationship itself is flawed." How do we learn from experience and look for solutions to our problems.
I have been married twice and now am in a second marriage which has lasted the last 23 years. I'm the father of 4 and grandfather of three children.

Gerry Heisler Ph.D. Articles