Find Out Your Enneagram Number (And What It Says About How You Fall In Love)

This quiz will help you figure out your whole life.

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What on earth is an enneagram number? Were you asking yourself the same thing?

I will admit that I had no idea what this whimsical number was, but now, I am SO happy that I’m in "the know."

Essentially, an enneagram number is a personality quiz to help you determine which of the 9 possible personalities you fall under. Intrigued, right? Which one do you fall under?:

Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type.


Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type.

Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type.

Type 4: The Artist. The intuitive, reserved type.

Type 5: The Thinker. The perceptive, cerebral type.

Type 6: The Skeptic. The committed, security-oriented type.


Type 7: The Generalist. The enthusiastic, productive type.

Type 8: The Leader. The powerful, aggressive type.

Type 9: The Peacemaker. The easygoing, accommodating type.

Don’t worry that you think you fall under more than one of these types because the point of the enneagram is to show that there is a bit of each type in all of us. Phew.

Once you take the enneagram test, you will be given a lot of great information on the best way you work, communicate, and love.

So, want a little sneak peek into each personality type and which partner your personality needs?

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Here is what your Enneagram Number says about you and how you fall in love.

1. The Reformer

Achievers like to work and are typically self-assured and goal-oriented. It’s important that achievers have independent partners and leave them alone so they can work on their own things.


If someone comes along and tries to burden an achiever with emotional drama, that person will be cut out of the picture immediately. Achievers don’t have time for that. Oftentimes, achievers are not easy to be partnered with.

Achievers are also very hard on themselves. They constantly worry about not achieving their goals or finding the success they think they deserve. If you are an achiever, you must find someone just as focused on their goals.

RELATED: The Enneagram Type That Is The Hardest To Love (And How To Love Them Anyway)

2. The Helper

Helpers are very supportive partners because they tend to be nurturing, sensitive to the needs of others, and concerned with the well-being of those around them. If you are a helper, you often focus on other people before yourself, and it’s important that your romantic partner reminds you that YOU matter too.


Sometimes, the helper feels insecure that other people don’t listen to them as much as they listen to others. So, it’s important that they have a partner who will make them feel important and interesting. As a helper, you can sometimes suffer from low self-esteem, so it’s vital that a partner helps to lift you up and make you feel good.

3. The Motivator

Nothing is perfect, which is why being a perfectionist is one of the most difficult personality traits. When it comes to love, you need a TON of reassurance. Since you’re so hard on yourself, you depend on a partner to tell you that you really are doing a good job.

The person you are most likely to be attracted to is someone who shows you respect and takes your advice seriously. Also, you need a partner willing to do their fair share of the work. People partnered with perfectionists benefit from their ability to forgive as long as they get a well-thought-out apology.

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4. The Artist

Gifted with good intuition, a romantic often has sensitive feelings, melancholy feelings, and a tendency to find meaning in even life’s most difficult situations. If you are a Romantic, you need to be with a partner who won’t be affected by your depressed moods.

It’s also important for you to have a partner who will make you feel good through plenty of compliments. Finding a partner who won’t call you dramatic or tell you you are overreacting is the most important thing for you.

5. The Thinker

Observers are usually introverted, analytic thinkers and have a thirst for knowledge. They find it difficult to watch socially skilled people advance more quickly than them because they have problems with getting their ideas out to the world quickly.

These people need partners who won’t try to force them to do things they don’t want, like go to crowded parties, nightclubs, or large social gatherings. They need partners who are good listeners because they hate repeating themselves.


It’s also important for their partners to notice when the observer feels uncomfortable in certain situations. Observers need plenty of time and space to figure out their thoughts.

RELATED: Enneagram Wings: How To Find Yours & Why They Matter

6. The Skeptic

These skeptics have personalities that range from cautious and introverted to extroverted and confrontational. However, they are always loyal and trustworthy to friends and family.

Questioners need partners who won’t overact to their questions and anxieties. A good match is someone willing to talk things out, going over the pros and cons of situations.


Questioners are also big procrastinators because they lack a certain confidence in themselves. So, the best partner for a questioner is someone who will gently nudge them toward new experiences.

7. The Generalist

These optimistic and lively individuals get excited about making contributions to the world. As children, these people want to grow up and become adults so that they have freedom, and once they get it, they are unlikely to want to give it up.

Adventurers have a unique sense of style and a need to try new things. They have stimulating conversations and must be around people who can keep up with them. The best partner for an adventurer is someone who gives them space, lets them be independent, and doesn’t try to keep tabs on them.

8. The Leader

Leaders don’t like being told what to do and are upfront, outspoken, and like to take charge. They aren’t scared, to be honest, and they like to tackle challenges head-on. They are known to speak assertively and need to be around people who can handle them without hurting their feelings.


Leaders need partners who understand that they occasionally curse, scream, and stomp around. This isn’t a personal attack on them. However, they also need partners who recognize that they are tender and vulnerable underneath it all.

9. The Peacemaker

This personality type is receptive, a good listener, supportive, and eager to please. However, they will avoid confrontation at all costs.

Often, they are judged for lacking initiative or being indecisive and sometimes take things too seriously or personally, even the body language of others. However, peacemakers are known to take great responsibility for their actions and have the ability to look at all sides of a situation. They actually make great partners because they go with the flow and are willing to compromise.

RELATED: How To Read The Enneagram Diagram Like A Pro


Shannon Ullman is a freelance writer and journalist who has been traveling the world for more than 10 years.