25 Small Bad Habits Keeping You Single

These 25 things might seem minute, but they might be the reason you can't find love.

woman sitting in front of brick wall Bjorn Beheydt / Shutterstock

In the world of energy and the law of attraction, there's a simple principle to understand: natural and universal law brings to you what you're focused on.

Many singles complain, "Oh no, you don't understand. There are no singles out there interested in me. I can't find anyone to date. Do I have to settle and live alone?"

Ironically, it's that very mindset that can keep a single person single. 

So what to do? It's difficult for some to "talk yourself into a better mood" or "create a more productive mindset." Many coaches advise just that, though. So I'm here to offer another practical way to shift your energy toward positivity.


Attack this list with passion, and address any items that are true for you. It will shock you how much your attitude will change by simply removing these energy blocks present in your life.

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These 25 small bad habits are keeping you single:

1. Unreturned phone calls

Call back the people who care about you.

2. Unanswered emails

Check your work emails.

3. Unpaid bills

4. Cluttered closets and junk drawers

Having an organized closet just makes life so much easier.


Photo: Vika Glitter/Pexels

5. Old food in the refrigerator

6. Out-of-date food in the freezer

7. Out of date computer

8. Old flip cell phone

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9. Pet hair everywhere

Invest in a lint roller, and maybe some couch covers as well.


10. Smoking

It's very bad for you, and unattractive.

11. Working long hours

Working all the time and feeling burned out will not make you happy.



12. Drains running slow

13. The house interior needs painting

14. Neglected yard, garden or patio

15. No spiritual or social connections

It's important to have some kind of foundation, whether it be close friends or religion.


16. Stuffy, cluttered bedroom

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17. Old pillows on the bed

18. Unfinished projects

Getting things done will give you a sense of accomplishment.

19. Messy desk

20. Accumulating junk mail

21. Old, uncomfortable mattress

Invest in a new mattress, a good night's sleep is so important.


22. Not respected at work 

23. Burned-out light bulbs in the house

24. Scuffed up old shoes

25. Not enough time outdoors

Taking better care of your external environment will make your internal environment — your heart, emotions, and thinking — improve. It's mysterious how this works, but that makes it even more fun. Step over your doubts and go through this list addressing anything you can. Before long, your spirits will lift.

One thing's for sure, the most attractive thing you can bring to a new relationship is a happy, cheerful spirit. Work on being content and at peace with your life. That's irresistible to people looking for love.

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Catherine Behan is a highly educated and accomplished individual with a diverse professional background. She is a dating and intimacy coach, blogger, content writer, freelance writer, and editor. She currently works as a Law of Attraction and Success Coach, where she leverages her expertise in EFT to help people attract abundance and success in their lives.
