4 Irresistible Qualities That Attract Literally Anyone To You, According To Psychology

The attributes that instantly hook people.

Irresistible qualities that attract anyone Vlada Karpovich | Pexels

To help us sort the answers to this puzzling dilemma of identifying the irresistible qualities of a human, we needed the knowledgable advice of dating coach and YourTango Expert Janet Ong Zimmerman. She helps explain the aspects of human behavior and personality that anybody can develop to become simply irresistible.

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Here are 4 irresistible qualities that attract literally anyone to you, according to psychology

1. Authenticity

Ever notice how you tend to gravitate towards a person who is comfortable in their skin, who accepts and embraces their quirkiness, stands for what's important to them, and has their own opinions? Research from the National Library of Medicine on authenticity and relationship satisfaction demonstrates that an irresistible person shows all of who they are and doesn't try to hide their self-perceived bad sides. They are authentic and express themselves openly with what they are thinking and how they feel without being overly concerned about how others view them.


Authentically happy and confident woman PeopleImages.com - Yuri A via Shutterstock

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2. Vulnerability

Isn't romantic love about having a meaningful connection with that special person? The more you can let someone in, the more they can get to know the real you. Vulnerability is the place where connection and true intimacy reside, as shown in a study of empowered vulnerability and intimacy from the Louisiana Contextual Science Research Group. When you're vulnerable, you provide a safe space for your partner to be who they are and to express themself openly. 


3. Passion

Instead of putting your life on hold and waiting for someone else to add excitement to your life, find and live your passions. Living a passionate life is living a life of love because the same neurological reward systems are at work, as evidenced by researchers at Harvard Medical School. This zest for life that radiates outward from doing what you love is extremely attractive to others. They will find it inspiring and uplifting to be around you because you're engaged with and loving life.

4. The ability to be present

No one likes to be taken for granted, but we all tend to do it, especially in long-term relationships. Appreciate and enjoy your partner for who they are and what they do. How? Research conducted at Antioch University tells us to be present with our partners instead of focusing on what they did wrong in the past or what might happen in the future.

Truly irresistible people know the power they hold. It is the same power we all hold. When we choose to empower ourselves with authenticity, passion, vulnerability, and acceptance of others, we learn what makes us real is also what makes us simply irresistible.

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Janet Ong Zimmerman is a dating and relationship coach, the founder of Love for Successful Women, and the creator of the Woo Course: 9 Juicy Ways to Bring Out a Man's Desire to Woo You. She helps successful women find the love they desire.