
Can't Let Go: How To Move On After Divorce

Maybe it's only been a few weeks or months or possibly even years since your marriage ended. Maybe your friends and family have been sympathetic and supportive, but now you suspect they are wondering the same question that is lurking at the back of your own mind...

“When will I finally move on after the divorce?”

It's likely that you've tried. Really tried.

But, the memories keep flooding in-- the good and the bad. A part of you hangs on to some expectation that your ex will call or walk back into your life and the two of you will pick up where you left off.

There may also be a part of you that can see the wisdom of moving on with your life. It could be clear to you that your ex is not coming back or possibly that it's for the best that your marriage ended.

There's no doubt that this is a confusing and difficult time.

What you might not be able to see right now is that it's also a potentially exciting time.

You are at the threshold of a new life. You are the one who gets to choose what you will do next. Even despite the stress and fear you may be feeling about this big life change, there is also the potential for you to make a fresh start in particular areas of your life.

Next: The challenge is...

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