Communication Problems, Conflict Management, Couples/Marital Issues, Dating/Being Single Support, Divorce Rehabilitation, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Life Transitions, Marriage, Men's Issues, Parenting, Sexuality, Step Parent, Stepfamilies, Trust Issues



Additional Expertise

Business Coach, Dating Coach, Divorce Coach, Divorce Recovery Coach, Family Coach, Life Coach, Marriage and Family Therapist, Marriage Educator, Marriage/Couples Counselor, Mentor, Personal Development Coach, Relationship Coach, Sex Coach, Speaker/Presenter

About David Steele

Author, Relationship Coaching Pioneer, and Global Authority on Growing a Profitable Private Practice

David Steele is making a profound impact for coaches, therapists, the media, clients and those seeking to make conscious life partner choices around the world. As a subject matter expert and author, the cornerstones that are the foundation David’s worldwide contributions include:

* Serving as chief ambassador and member support officer for 450+ members and clients of the Relationship Coaching Institute;

* Guiding coaches, therapists, and those aspiring to careers in either arena as a sought-after speaker, trainer, and workshop leader on practice building, honoring three decades of thought leadership in the field and his newest book From Therapist to Coach: Leveraging Your Clinical Expertise to Build a Thriving Coaching Practice - published in March 2011 by John Wiley & Sons Inc. ;

* Unabashed advocate of helping professionals earning six and seven figures while making a significant difference in the world as a popular speaker, coach and consultant on innovative marketing and practice building, and with his latest book The Million Dollar Private Practice: How to Build a Highly Successful Business That Makes a Difference- published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

* Offering relationship expertise and perspectives to the media, based on lessons shared in his book and related programs Conscious Dating: Finding the Love of Your Life in Today’s World ;

* Co-author (with wife Darlene Steele) of the ground-breaking best-seller Radical Marriage: Your Relationship as Your Greatest Adventure

David welcomes speaking invitations, media interviews, quantity book purchases, and other opportunities that allow him to fulfill his life mission to vastly improve the success rate of committed relationships worldwide.

David Steele Articles