Who Is Lindsey Glass? New Details On The Texas Bartender Accused Of Over Serving Mass Shooter Spencer Hight

Was she just doing her job?

Who Is Lindsey Glass? New Details On The Texas Bartender Accused Of Over Serving Mass Shooter Spencer Hight Instagram 

When a man with a gun bursts into a house and shoots seven people to death before being killed himself, it seems clear cut: there is just one person to blame, the shooter. After all, wasn't he the one who took the necessary steps that resulted in the slaughter of innocent lives? Well, it turns out sometimes it isn't that simple. A Texas woman, Lindsey Glass, has been arrested following a mass murder perpetrated by the late Spencer Hight. Lindsey may not have pulled the trigger, but she was pouring Spencer's drinks during the night in question, and in the eyes of the law, that makes her guilty too. Who is Lindsey Glass? Here's what we know so far. 


1. The Arrest

On April 27th, 2019 the police in Plano, Texas made an arrest in connection with the 2017 mass shooting that took the lives of Meredith High, 27, Anthony “Tony” Michael Cross, 33, Olivia Nicole Deffner, 24, James Richard Dunlop, 29, Darryl William Hawkins, 22, Rion Christopher Morgan, 31, Myah Sade Bass, 28 and Caleb Seth Edwards, 25, and injured another. The shooter was Meredith's husband, 32-year-old, Spencer Hight. The arrest made wasn't Spencer, who was shot by police called to the scene and died from his injuries. Instead, the police arrested Lindsey Glass, the bartender who was pouring Spencer's drinks prior to the massacre. After Spencer left the bar where Glass worked he drove to the home he once shared with his estranged wife and attacked the group who were gathered to watch a Dallas Cowboys game together. 


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2. The Charges

While it might seem like a strange choice to go after Glass, it's also one of the only avenues the state of Texas has if they want someone to be punished for the atrocities that took the lives of so many. Glass didn't pull the trigger, but she was aware that Hight was drunk and the state contends that this meant she had a responsibility. But how exactly do you charge a bartender for doing what some would argue is just their job? Apparently, it's easier than you might think. She was arrested for breaking the Texas Alchohol Beverage Commission's code about sales to people under the influence already. That code reads that "a person commits an offense if the person with criminal negligence sells an alcoholic beverage to a habitual drunkard or an intoxicated or insane person.” She could spend a year in jail and pay a fine if she is found guilty of these charges. 


3. The Divorce

The contentious relationship between Spencer and Meredith is believed to have driven Spencer to violence. The two met while studying at the University of Texas and tied the knot in 2011. Unfortunately, not long after they bought their first home, Spencer lost his job and depression hit him hard. This combined with drinking led to social isolation and, Meredith claimed, physical abuse. Eventually, she filed for divorce. Liz Smith, a friend who knew the Hights well said, “It was rare that I ever saw [Spencer] happy. [Meredith] just enjoyed life, and I think, in contrast, Spencer didn’t, and that was always hard for them to reconcile,” she added, speaking to other more deeply rooted reasons as to why the couples' marriage may have been doomed from the start. 

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4. Meredith's Mother Speaks

There have been mixed reactions to the arrest of Glass. Even her lawyer, Scott Palmer, pointed out that when the police themselves met her they praised her for doing her best to save lives. You see, Glass was so concerned about Spencer's state of mine that she followed him to his house and later on called 911 to report that Spencer was drunk and carrying a weapon. That's right, they've arrested the person who actually got the cops to the scene! That said, the victims of those who lost their lives at Spencer's hands seem to feel differently. Currently, most of them are suing Glass for damages in light of her arrest. But not all of the families left behind feel that way, including Meredith's mom, Debbie Lane who said: “To single out this bartender seems unfair, a waste of resources and will accomplish nothing."

5. The Future Of The Bar

The Local Public House, the bar where Glass was working when she served Spencer, agreed to give up their liquor license. They made the decision in a settlement arrangement with the Texas Alcohol Beverage Commission, who freed them from having to admit responsibility by giving up the license of their own accord. The TABC investigated the bar after the murders took place to assess what involvement if any, they had in the events that led up to the crime. Apparently, Glass and others at the bar saw Hight with a gun and did not contact the authorities, which is a violation of TABC code. Of course, this is Texas, where open carry is allowed and guns are a part of the culture.


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Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cats, Batman and Margot. She's an experienced generalist with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, pop culture, and true crime. For more of her work, check out her Tumblr

