Fall Back In Love With Yourself With These 17 POWERFUL Quotes

*Pats self on the back.*

love yourself

The most important relationship you'll ever have in your life is also the one you're most likely to ignore: yourself. 

Up until this point, I can almost guarantee it's been a rocky rollercoaster ride. Sadly, most of us were taught from an early age to not be selfish and put others first. While this may seem like a noble act, ignoring your own needs and care will only backfire at some point down the road. You'll feel lost, burned out and alone. 


Without the ability to find love within yourself, you end up looking for it in places where you'll never actually be satisfied: drugs, relationships, work, alchohol, etc. 

Self love isn't selfish. And it's time we stop telling ourselves that. If you want to be a better wife, husband, friend, mother, or whatever roles you identify with, then you have to take care of yourself first. If you don't find love in yourself, then you won't be able to give much love to anybody else. 

It could be many things that have brought you to this realization: a breakup, a career change or maybe the light bulb just went off. Either way, you're recognizing that it's time for a change. Time to give yourself the love and attention you deserve — and the kind that only you can give. 


There are many different paths of self love you can take, but I hope these 17 inspirational {{ quotes }} will help you get there: 

1Making time for yourself DOES NOT make you selfish.

selfish WeHeartIt


2Mimic the way you love other people.

someone else WeHeartIt


3Understanding that the only person who controls your time, is you.

mine WeHeartIt


4Don't be so hard on yourself.

gentle WeHeartIt

5Understand that you have more control than you think.

control WeHeartIt


6But don't worry about the stuff that you can't control.

worry WeHeartIt

7Don't use your relationship as an excuse.

in love WeHeartIt


8Stop chasing the approval of others.

art WeHeartIt

9Learn to love every part of yourself.

darkness WeHeartIt


10Stay true to yourself.

sorry WeHeartIt

11Don't negatively compare yourself to others.

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12Remember that you're also cultivating your own uniqueness.

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13Stop waiting for someone to fix you.

right Pinterest


14Keep in mind that consistency is key.

consistent WeHeartIt

15Stop seeing your circumstances as permanent.

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16Don't let anyone else control your happiness.

happy WeHeartIt

17And remember that who you are is beautiful.

beauty WeHeartIt

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.
