
Wow. YouTube Makeup Guru Rocks 5 KILLER Looks In Under Two Minutes

Photo: weheartit
 Makeup Artist Rocks 5 Looks In Under Two Minutes

You may have heard of YouTube sensation and makeup guru Kandee Johnson but you've certainly never seen her perform this trick before. She recently released a quick makeup challenge video with Buzzfeed where she creates a series of edgy beauty looks, each one trendier than the next.

The five "looks" she creates are goth, baby doll, natural, contouring, and pin-up — all under two minutes!

Buzzfeed even created a slider so you can compare each before and after look. You can really get an inkling for just how talented Kandee Johnson is by putting her looks side-by-side.

Check it out for yourself here (and head over to her YouTube channel for even more amazing videos):