Get Your Smooch On: The 5 Kisses To Master

No one thinks a slobber-fest is sexy.

kissing couple

If there was a scale from 1 to 10 of things that are important to you, with 1 being "decorative pillows" and 10 being "not getting ball cancer," I'm guessing kissing would clock in at about a 4. But for most women, including me? At least an 8 or a 9. Which means if you want to hook a new girl, or keep your current one happy, figuring out how to be a better kisser is a must.

There are five basic smooches every man should be intimately familiar with, and I've taken the liberty of breaking each one down for you. Want to kiss me?


What you do before your tongues touch is just as important as what you do after. Since you and your date are practically strangers and aren't familiar with reading each other's cues, it's important to give her some notice before you swoop in. That way you won't end up bumping heads, bashing teeth, or accidentally kissing her chin. I recommend brushing your lips softly against hers before you start with any serious tongue action.

Studies show that couples who engage in mild forms of PDA are happier and more connected to each other than couples who keep their hands (and lips) off of each other in public. I'm not advocating you engage in a slobber-fest in the middle of Home Depot, but a spontaneous kiss while you're out and about together will score you huge points with your lady. Just don't go overboard; public kisses should be no more graphic than a G-rated "you may now kiss the bride" wedding kiss.


Read the rest over at Modern Man: How To Be A Better Kiss

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