Australian Couple Claim They Are Jesus And Mary Madgalene

Alan John Miller and Mary Suzanne Luck believe they are Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

Australian Couple Claim They Are Jesus And Mary Madgalene anyka / 123RF

Remember back in 2011 when we were all preparing for the world to end during the next year's apocalypse? 

Well, for believers around the world who had thought that an apocalypse had been upon us, the wait was over as an Australian couple had claimed to be Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.

At least, that's what Alan John Miller and Mary Suzanne Luck wanted everyone to think.

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"Just a little over 2,000 years ago, we arrived on the Earth for the first time," Alan John Miller, 56, says on his website. "Because of my personal desire and passion for God, as I grew, I recognized not only that I was the Messiah that was foretold by ancient prophets, but also that I was in a process designed by God that all humans could follow, if they so desired."

Miller and his girlfriend, Mary Suzanne Luck, 41, have been actively spreading the "Divine Truth" since they moved to Wilkesdale, Queensland in 2007. And by 2011, their teachings had recruited between 30 and 40 disciples.

Australia's Cult Awareness and Information Centre, however, were not as quick to believe what Miller and Luck were saying. They decided to keep a close eye on the couple, and were concerned for the more vulnerable believers that may willingly submit to Miller and Luck.


The center's spokeswoman, Helen Pomery, had said, "The moment someone becomes God or God's voice on Earth it gives them another level of authority to enforce submission to them."

The Catholic church was also urging people to be cautious when considering joining new movements like Miller and Luck's.

The upside? Property owners in Wilkesdale (where Miller and Luck currently reside) experienced a property boom as Miller and Luck's followers began to relocate to be closer to these alleged biblical figures.

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In 2009, the followers even came together with $400,000 to purchase a square mile of land where they could have weekly meetings and build an international visitors center.


But, at the end of the day, all Miller and Luck claim they are trying to do is inspire love. 

Miller writes on his website, "Once some people become at-one with God again, many others on earth who currently are not attracted to the Divine Truth will become so, and, as their own hearts are motivated, they also will wish to embrace the Divine Truth into their own daily lives."

In a 2019 interview, Miller said that his Jesus awakening came when he was in his 30s, but that he had memories his whole life.

He explained, "I had memories of somebody putting nails through my feet and through my wrists. I remember being speared, being threatened, and being beaten on a number of occasions almost to the point of death."


However, he said that it wasn't until after his divorce when he realized that he was Jesus.

Miller also has two kids from his marriage. He claimed that he knew making his announcement that he was Jesus public to the world would create a mess, but decided to do it anyway.

Miller said, "Well, I knew there were four options. I thought: Either I think I'm Jesus and I am, or I think I'm Jesus and I'm not, which would make me crazy. Or I think I'm Alan John Miller and I am which would make me sane. Or finally, I think I'm Alan John Miller but I'm not and that would make me crazy."

Miller met Luck, who used to be an occupational therapist, in 2007 when he was presenting a talk to her and her parents. Both Miller and Luck admitted that they lost both family members and friends when they started telling them they thought they were Jesus and Mary.


Luck said, "I had one friend who was interested at first. She came to a couple of seminars but then her in-laws put a load of pressure on her to stay away and she never talked to me about it really. None of them even asked if I was okay. It was like I'd died, and they just had to move on."

Miller added, "I feel like it's a pretty hard thing to accept. It scares people. I've always felt that truth is important. I'm saying the truth. I know my intentions are right so I'm just going to stick by the truth I've said."

He also revealed how they would feel if they were to find out that they were wrong in the afterlife: "Fine. I'd be curious to know where we got it wrong. But I'd feel like at least we lived in accordance with what we thought was true."


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Stephanie Castillo is a writer whose work has been featured in Prevention, Women's Health, and more.

Editor's Note: This article was originally posted on May 17, 2011 and was updated with the latest information.