How To Raise Resilient Kids, Using Astrology

A family astrologer reveals how to combine psychology and astrology in your parenting style.

dad throwing young daughter in the air Olivia Bauso via Unsplash / sketchify, D GraPX and Artulina via Canva

According to family astrologer Lorena Mitoi, elements of psychology can be incorporated into astrology to raise resilient kids.

In a TikTok video, Mitoi explains that psychology suggests resilience in kids stems from giving children "the opportunities to be independent to prove that they can solve problems on their own and overcome adversities." She adds that astrology can help parents "identify particular ways in which children become more resilient" based on their zodiac sign.


How to raise resilient kids, based on their zodiac sign

Mitoi focuses on the sun sign and how focusing on the magnetic sides of the sun can help bring out more wonderful traits. Following these elements can allow children to tap into their creative side, teach them more about independence and nourish their self-esteem. Most importantly, just being an overall supportive parent is enough to help them thrive. 

Aries kids

Mitoi explained that Aries kids "will grow to be particularly resilient when they have the opportunities to show their passionate side their independence.” Aries is ruled by Mars, so parents should encourage their Aries child to learn to develop strong friendships where they learn about their independence and the dynamic of being selfless around others. Parents should also encourage their children to pursue their dreams and be fearless like the ram knows how.




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Taurus kids

Parents with Taurus children need to encourage them to learn how to be connected with their Venusian side because it is linked to creativity and art. As Mitoi explains, "Children with the Sun in Taurus really thrive when they can create something beautiful." They will be able to develop strong confidence in themselves when they are aware of their innovative capacities. As long as parents help to inspire them, Taurus will feel comfortable showing the world who they are.

Gemini kids

Ruled by Mercury, the parents with Gemini children are the ones who need to encourage their children to be independent and trust in their creative process, as Gemini kids "acquire resiliency when they write, communicate, express themselves," Mitoi said. Geminis enjoy connecting with others and similar to Aries, they will learn a lot about making friendships where they can learn and grow with the people around them. Networking and expressing themselves helps them feel like superheroes. 


Cancer kids

Teaching the Cancerian child that empathy is powerful is essential and Cancer children learn resilience "when they get to show their nurturing and intuitive side," Miutoi said. Parents with these children should encourage them to take pride in their emotions and to be more confident with establishing boundaries so they can bring out their leader. Mitoi suggests helping them expound on their nurturing side through caring for others, such as a pet or a plant.

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Leo kids

The Sun rules Leos, so it tracks that the parents of these creative children should let them have their place in the spotlight. Encouraging them to pursue their dreams is essential so they can develop strong self-esteem. Always encourage them to lead and never give up on their way to the top. Mitoi encourages getting Leo kids "to dancing class, singing class and anything that allows them to be in the center stage.”

Virgo kids

As Mitoi explained, Virgo kids "get resilient when their analytical abilities are praised. They love to look in depth, into information and to come up with solutions." However, parents with Virgo children should help them stay grounded and not look at themselves through a critical lens. Parents should encourage them to shine and stand out by praising their intelligence and abilities. Virgos can be more introverted, but with caring and nurturing parents, they too can see their light and power through harnessing their routines.


Libra kids

Libra children are social butterflies who become resilient "when they have the opportunity to relate to someone else on a one-on-one level," Mitoi said. The parents of Libra should teach them to be diplomatic and to establish their boundaries so that they will not become pushovers or people pleasers. This is a sign that is magnetic and has its power. They can uncover their independent side through these experiences and learn not to rely so much on romantic relationships.



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Scorpio kids

As Mitoi explained, Scorpio children are curious and need to be encouraged to pursue what makes them happy and continues to help them have an interest in topics. If the parents encourage them to pursue their dreams, this can help them become better researchers and even mentors to others. 


Sagittarius kids

Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius needs parents who encourage them to be explorers and adventurers as "they get resilient when they have the opportunity to travel, to learn something new and to explore information and new philosophies and new wisdoms," Mitoi said. Sagittarius kids should not feel limited and should feel empowered to take on the world. This is a sign that could enjoy learning and constantly growing because they are eternal students. "Give them lots of opportunities not only to learn but to exercise their knowledge in a practical way," Mitoi suggested.

Capricorn kids

Parenting a Capricorn can sometimes feel challenging as Capricorn children are "like little bosses within their lives," Mitoi said. "They love to learn things that are helpful but also exercise their authority through that knowledge," according to Mitoi, so parents of Capricorn children need to show them how to balance their responsibilities and not to shy away from them. Capricorns can be quite the rebels, so their parents should ground them and teach them how to develop a good relationship with authority. After all, Saturn wants to make the rules but to get to this point, they need to learn to follow them first.

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Aquarius kids

Inquisitive, determined, and curious Aquarius children need parents who encourage them to think outside the box. They gain resilience "when they have the opportunity to innovate and exercise their innovative mind," Mitoi explained. This is a sign ruled by Uranus and Saturn, but their Uranian traits will show more, especially when they share their thoughts which can be otherworldly and inspiring. Aquarius should take pride in what they do and their parents should be their first cheerleaders.

Pisces kids

Teaching Pisces to be emotionally intelligent and to take pride in their emotional side is essential for the parents. They need to be there for their children and teach them that they are powerful and connected. Their strength comes in their ability to feel compassion for others. Parents of Pisces should teach their kids to take on leadership roles and to become heroes by not being afraid to help others as long as they also find a balance in protecting their boundaries.

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A.T. Nunez is an Afro-Latina Astrologer and philosopher living in NYC. She is passionate about astrology and aims to continue writing more about stargazing in the future.
