Dating/Being Single Support, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Empowering Women, Life Management, Life Transitions

Additional Expertise

Dating Coach, Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Speaker/Presenter


“Dee The Dating Diva,” (is a title that particularly suits me). I have been married and divorced three times, received proposals of marriage many times more, and experienced every possible kind of dating experience in-between. Many of these experiences are revealed in my best selling book, Dating 101, Second, Third, Fourth Time Around.

My qualifications as “romance expert” are related in part to my life as both wife and single woman, and the fact that I have been “dating” and observing the ritual of dating for a good part of my life. Who better than that.
I founded The University of Dating to meet the needs of men and women as they re-enter the dating scene and ultimately find the romance and partner that is suited for them.
When I work with my clients my goal is that they achieve a “stunning relationship” with themselves and whatever happens after that …happens.
My life’s work as a coach and a speaker has been to help people “Become What they Want to Attract”, a journey that I have personally been working on for many years.
Thousands of men and women that have found themselves single for whatever reason were able to re-define the dating experience and the experience of being single. It’s about dating and relating to other singles and enjoying life and create a journey of fun and learning.
A client recently said “I suddenly realized . . there is no shame in being single”
The grown-up dating game has never been more interesting and challenging. There are more players than every before.
As Katie Couric said: “I Love what you say Dee, Become What you Want to Attract.”
I would love to coach you and help you transform your life to one full of passion, enthusiasm and sizzle.
As a wonderful client put it: “After 28 years of marriage, I was clueless about how to introduce myself as a newly single woman. I was afraid of the unknown and when I asked the few acquaintances I had who were divorced, I soon discovered that most of then were scared, stuck, and clueless too.”
“Not only did Dee give me hope that I really could live happily as a single woman, he gave me tons of support as I looked at all my choices and specific “How tos” as the “what if” occurred to me. I can’t thank Dee enough for the information and inspiration she gave me during a vey difficult time in my life.” –Julie Overhold, professional certified coach.

As a dancer and a coach, I 'dance' with my clients. They experience the adventure and excitement of overcoming whatever is necessary to 'Live Their Dreams.'

Dating is the Dance to Relationship and Love.

Much Love


