12 Brutally Honest Reasons Nice Guys Finish Last — And Why Girls Like Bad Boys Instead

This might sting a little.

12 Brutally Honest Reasons Nice Guys Finish Last — And Why Girls Like Bad Boys Instead Getty

It almost seems like most men fall into either the bad boy or the nice guy category.

In my opinion, the ideal man is neither, but rather gracefully walks that fine line between the two.

Do nice guys finish last, or is that a myth? And why do girls seem to love bad boys so much?

RELATED: Here's How Nice Guys Are Crushing Online Dating, According To A New Study

While some women say they want a good man, being a good man and being a "nice guy" are not one and the same.


Here are 12 honest reasons nice guys finish last and why girls like bad boys instead.

1. Nice guys' personalities don't always seem genuine.

Nice guys can be too nice. No one can always be that nice unless they're a saint. They are busy being nice instead of being real, and women instinctively don't trust that.

Bad boys "keep it real." Nice guys don't want to upset the apple cart.

2. Nice guys show a lack of self-respect.

No one respects a doormat. Nice guys don't set boundaries or make any real demands. A bad boy doesn't let a woman walk all over him or control him.

Women can't respect a man they can control. No respect equals no attraction.


3. Nice guys can often be too predictable, which gets boring.

Most people lead boring, predictable lives, so they're attracted to people who are exciting and a bit unpredictable.

Bad boys are always a challenge. Nice guys are never a challenge. Predictable plus no excitement plus no challenge equals "I prefer a bad boy."


4. Loving bad boys is in our genes.

Women are designed to nurture. However, instead of doing this with children, they often end up doing it with bad boys. They think their love will save them. Nice guys rarely need to be saved.

RELATED: Nice Guys Don't Finish Last, According To Study

5. Women like to feel needed.

Nice guys don't usually need "to be fixed." Bad boys usually do, so they become a "project." Some women think if they can "create" the perfect man, he will never leave them.

Also, if they're busy fixing someone else, they don't have to look at what needs to be fixed in their own lives.

6. Nice guys seem weak.

Research shows women are subconsciously attracted to potential mates with strong genes.


Bad boys send out a subconscious message that they those powerful genes. They believe their genes are so strong that they aren't afraid of losing a woman because of bad behavior.

Nice guys' fear of losing their woman sends the exact opposite message.

7. Nice guys are into commitment.

If a woman is afraid of intimacy, she subconsciously knows she can avoid it with a bad boy, since she can never get close enough to him to have to go there.

A nice guy will eventually want a commitment, and that's scary.

8. Some women have low self-esteem.

We don't feel comfortable with people who treat us better than we treat ourselves. If you don't think much of yourself, the bad boy is simply reinforcing your negative belief.


A nice guy is treating you in a way you're not familiar with and that feels uncomfortable.

RELATED: 8 Things An Actual Nice Guy Will Never Do If He Really Likes You

9. The sex just isn't as mind-blowing.

Women assume a nice guy won't be good in bed. We sometimes like to be manhandled and think a nice guy won't be able to take control and get the job done.

A bad boy comes across as being able to deliver, even though that may not always be the case.

10. Bad boys are hot.


Have you ever seen a bad boy who wasn't hot? I'm sure there are a few, but they wouldn't be able to get away with half the stuff they did if they didn't look so good. Meanwhile, when a woman describes someone as a nice guy, she means, "He's not hot."

11. Nice guys aren't as charming.

Nice guys don't always know what to say and are sometimes at a loss for words.

Bad boys can be very charming and know exactly what women want to hear. However, they eventually switch over to being selfish. By the time they reveal their true colors, the woman has fallen hard and has a tough time letting go.

12. Nice guys aren't usually as strong physically.

Historically, men have protected women — physically and otherwise. Bad boys give the illusion of being able to protect women, while with nice guys, women aren't so sure.


Life is all about balance. Until men learn how to do that, more often than not, women will choose the bad boy, until they realize that the bad qualities outweigh the good ones.

RELATED: 5 Things You Have So Wrong About The 'Nice Guy'

Lucia is a dating and relationship expert and the author of "Lucia's Lessons of Love." She has appeared on over 100 national and international radio and TV Shows as an expert, including Dr. Phil, The CBS Early Show, 60 Minutes Australia, The Tyra Banks Show, and Good Day LA.